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Full Version: [GET] The Last Astral Projection Book You'll Ever Need To Read: How To Finally Leave Your Body And Explore The Astral
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Do you have this yearning to explore the universe?

Are you ready to have the answers to your life’s questions by accessing the Akashic Records?

Do you want to meet spirit guides to help further your spiritual development?

Most that are interested in astral projection would say yes to these questions. Unfortunately many have tried it before but were unsuccessful in their attempts.

An out of body experience may sound easy but it requires a level of skill and knowledge to successfully carry out. If your astral projection attempts only lead to frustration and failure, this book will change everything for you.

The Last Astral Projection Book You’ll Ever Need To Read: How To Finally Leave Your Body and Explore The Astral offers the missing keys and techniques to astral projection, so you can finally have the deeper awareness of your existence and spirituality you are yearning for.

This guide aims to be the last book you’ll need on astral projection so you can continue exploring instead of merely reading about it. If you were unsuccessful in your attempts before, you will succeed with the information in this guide.

In this book, you will learn:

How to prepare your mind and body to have a successful astral projection
How to use sleep to have a successful astral projection
The 9 most effective exit techniques.
How to astral project instantly with your mind and body completely awake.
How to lucid dream and use the dream to have an out of body experience.
4 ways you can make your out of body experience more vivid
9 methods to increase the duration of your out of body experience.
How to go to the Akashic Records
How to meet dead relatives, spirit guides and other entities in the astral
How to cast a banishing ritual so you are safe while astral traveling
How to control fear so it won’t hinder your astral projection attempts.
A way to create an astral body so it will help explore the astral plane for you
How to be a skilled astral projector without changing your diet, being celibate and using any equipment
How to have a successful out of body experience without spending years on meditation

And Much More!

With the information in this book, you will learn powerful techniques and tips that will make you a skilled astral projector. This is The Last Astral Projection Book You’ll Ever Need To Read.

Thank you for this excellent share StillStanding. rep.
Thank you for the share SS. Rep added
Hi, StillStanding I know this was a 2021 thread, just wondering if you still have this sitting on your drive, as link is down... I have tried searching for it but can only find on the paid sites
We need the book. Can you please share it again? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for making AND RE-UPPING this offer StillStanding !!

(Not even Libgen has this one.)

(04-24-2023 08:58 AM)GalaxyQuest2 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, StillStanding I know this was a 2021 thread, just wondering if you still have this sitting on your drive, as link is down... I have tried searching for it but can only find on the paid sites

here you go

I don´t know how to use this platform very well but really appreciate that you have shared the new link to download the book.

My most sincere thanks. May God Keep Blessing you.
Thanks mate
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