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(11-29-2021 10:18 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]@Berlinerin:
You can easily find pointers towards supplements which are -supposed- to help eliminate the worst of the toxic backwash, and that is IF you haven't taken the poison shot(s), in which case it is doubtful that ANYTHING within mortal reach will help, except:

True Inner Strength

Which one can only discover within one's truest and deepest self.

(And no - I am NOT pointing towards ANY sorts of religions or other things of this world in saying that here.)

This is the time when we must learn truly to 'be in this world, but not OF it' - and again I repeat - I do NOT cite that as ANY sort of biblical reference !!

Thank you, but I meant the "Phases" about what Kafirbaz12 has written.
I hope these are not true. But some are already true now.
???? ???? ???
Dear Berlinerin,
Most of those planned phases have already been forced into our reality, sadly.

It's be great if some powerful force could do away with the PMOs, thereby stopping all of those phases totally - or failing that - for the sane folks here to be able to move to a quiet and unpolluted planet.

If you are just a regular type of person though - the only places on this entire planet which would be unaffected would be those which we cannot reach because the PMOs have taken them right off the maps and have measures in place to keep all others out.

This nonsense has been very long in its planning and executed very diligently - right under our noses.
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