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Full Version: [REQ] Dean Jackson - Email Lead Conversion Mastery + Bonus: Ross O'Lochlainn
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(Conversion Engineering) - The Conversion System Express


Are you an entrepreneur wanting to make more sales? Do you collect people’s email addresses when you generate leads?
If you ARE collecting email addresses… then you’ll probably admit that you could do a better job following up with them.
The good news?
If you DO have the email addresses for a list of leads, then there’s a TON of money… waiting for you to collect it.

Bonus: Ross O'Lochlainn (Conversion Engineering)
This is an exclusive email autoresponder bonus course from Ross O'Lochlainn (Conversion Engineering) that was created for Dean Jackson's Email Mastery program.
This campaign is designed to work with any business and it’s easy to implement without needing to be a tech genius.
You just need to know how to set up some simple timing conditions in your autoresponder (i.e. when to send each email).
I tell you what “types” of emails to send and I also give you the “ideal” timing for each email.
Set this campaign up and every new lead you generate will automatically be nurtured for 6 months… even if you don’t send any regular emails.
Bump for this.
(11-24-2021 02:51 AM)actionguy Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for this.

Thanks for bump
bumping this
Bump for this
Does anyone have this from Dean? :- ) Bumping.
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