11-17-2021, 12:22 AM
A Complete Illustration of the Astrological and Occult Sciences, Volume 1 - E Silby (1795).pdf
A Complete Illustration of the Astrological and Occult Sciences, Volume 2 - E Silby (1795).pdf
A Description of the Faces and Degrees of the Zodiac - Raphael (1879).pdf
A Guide to Hindu Astrology - T S Narayanaswami Iyer (1889).pdf
A Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology - G Dickson (1909).pdf
A Manual of Astrology, or, the Book of the Stars - Raphael (1828).pdf
Adams, Evangeline - 1930 - Astrology Your Place Among the Stars.pdf
An Introduction To Astrology - W Lilly (1835).pdf
An Introduction to the Study of Astrology, in the Light of Physical Science - B Suryanarain Row (1900).pdf
Andrews, William - 1656 - The Astrological Physician.pdf
Anima Astrologi‘; or, a Guide for Astrologers - W Lilly (1886).pdf
Aristotle - Metaphysics.pdf
Aristotle - On Dreams (350 BC).pdf
Astro-Diagnosis a Guide to Healing - M Heindel (1928).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 1 (1890-91).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 2 (1891-92).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 3 (1892-93).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 4 (1893-94).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 5 (1894-95).pdf
Astrological Investigations - W Frankland (1900).pdf
Astrology and its Connection With Vedanta - C Venkatarava (1899).pdf
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans - F Cumont (1912).pdf
Astrology for All - A Leo (1899).pdf
Astrology in a Nutshell - C H Webber (1902).pdf
Astrology In Medicine C A Mercier (1914).pdf
Astrology Theologized; The Spiritual Hermeneutics of Astrology - V Wegel and A B King (1886).pdf
Astrology, Science of Knowledge and Reason - E H Bennett (1897).pdf
Astrology; Its Tecnics and Ethics - C Libra (1917).pdf
Astrology; Your Place Among the Stars - E Adams (1930).pdf
Astronomicum C‘sareum - P Apian (1540).pdf
Astrosophic Principles - J Hazelrigg (1917).pdf
Blagrave, Joseph - 1682 - Introduction to Astrology.pdf
Bonatus, Guido - 1676 - Anima Astrologiae.pdf
Broughton, Luke Dennis - 1860 - Broughton's Planet Reader and Astrological Journal.pdf
Broughton, Luke Dennis - 1898 - The Elements of Astrology (First Edition).pdf
Broughton, Luke Dennis - 1906 - The Elements of Astrology (Second Edition).pdf
Carnes, Todd - 2006 - Rectifying a Chart with the Prenatal Epoch.pdf
Carnes, Todd - 2009 - How to Use an Ephemeris.pdf
Carnes, Todd - Orbs and Aspects in Traditional Astrology.pdf
Coley, Henry - 1676 - Key to the Whole Art of Astrology.pdf
Concerning the More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology - J Kepler (1601).pdf
Cross, Robert T. (Raphael) - 1877 - The Guide to Astrology, Volume 1.pdf
Culpeper, Nicholas - 1666 - The English Physitian Enlarged.pdf
Culpeper, Nicholas - 1801 - The English Physician Enlarged.pdf
Dariot, Claude - 1558 - A Briefe and Most Easie Introduction to the Stars.pdf
Dariot, Claude - 1589 - A Briefe and Most Easie Introduction to the Stars.pdf
Directional Astrology - Sepharial (1921).pdf
Earthology Humanity Characterized by the Earth, Sun and Zodiac, with Prognostications From the Moon - A Raphael (1901).pdf
Eland, William - 1694 - A Tutor to Astrology, or Astrology made easie.pdf
Esoteric Astrology - A Leo (1913).pdf
Everybody's Astrology - M Jensen (1922).pdf
Gadbury, John - 1657 - Nauticum Astrologicum (The Astrological Seaman).pdf
Gadbury, John - 1658 - Doctrine of Nativities and Horary Questions.pdf
Gadbury, John - 1662 - A Collection of Nativities.pdf
Gadbury, John - 1680 - The Nativity of Lewis the Fourteenth, King of France.pdf
Gadbury, John - The Doctrine of Horary Questions.pdf
Gospel of the Stars - J Hingston (1899).pdf
Griffin, Anthony - 1665 - On Theft.pdf
Heavenly Planets and the Future Revealed - G S Wolf (1892).pdf
Heindel, Max - 1919 - Simplified Scientific Astrology.pdf
Heindel, Max - 1919 - Simplified Scientific Tables of Houses.pdf
Heliocentric Astrology - H W Merton (1899).pdf
Hermes Trismegistus - Centiloquium.pdf
Ibn Ezra, Abraham - 120 Aphorisms for Astrologers.pdf
Jupiter the Preserver - A Leo (1917).pdf
Kepler, Johannes - 1602 - Concerning ... Astrology.pdf
Kirby, Richard - 1687 - The Marrow of Astrology.pdf
Leo, Alan - 1899 - Astrology For All.pdf
Leo, Alan - 1906 - The Horoscope in Detail.pdf
Leo, Alan - 1906 - The Progressed Horoscope.pdf
Lessons in Astrology - J Erickson (1898).pdf
Lilly, William - 1644 - Supernaturall Sights and Apparitions.pdf
Lilly, William - 1647 - Christian Astrology.pdf
Lilly, William - 1651 - Monarchy or no monarchy in England (2nd Copy).pdf
Lilly, William - 1651 - Monarchy or no monarchy in England.pdf
Lilly, William - 1651 - Several Observations Upon the Life and Death of Charles I, Late King of England.pdf
Lilly, William - 1659 - Christian Astrology (Vol 1 - 3).pdf
Lilly, William - 1668 - Autobiography.pdf
Lilly, William - 1675 - Choice Aphorisms.pdf
Lilly, William - 1681 - The Will of William Lilly.pdf
Lilly, William -1822 - William Lilly's History of His Life and Times.pdf
Lucretius - De Rerum Natura (Of the Nature of Things).pdf
Man and the Zodiac - D Anria (1938).pdf
McCormack, George J. - 1917 - Some Weather Fundamentals.pdf
Medical Astrology - H D„ath (1907).pdf
Mensforth, George - 1785 - The Young Student's Guide in Astrology.pdf
Middleton, John - 1679 - Practical Astrology.pdf
Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel) - 1835 - An Introduction to Astrology.pdf
Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel) - 1861 - The Handbook of Astrology, Volume 1.pdf
Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel) - 1863 - The Handbook of Astrology, Volume 2.pdf
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy - R A Proctor (1889).pdf
Ogilvie's Astrological Birthday Book - L Bernart (1915).pdf
On a German Astronomico-Astrological Manuscript - R Brown (1892).pdf
Our Fate and the Zodiac; an Astrological Autograph Book - M Mayo (1901).pdf
Partridge, John - 1662 - Mikropanastron (Vade Mecum).pdf
Partridge, John - 1693 - Opus Reformatum.pdf
Partridge, John - 1697 - Defectio Geniturarum.pdf
Pearce, Alfred J. - 1864 - The Weather Guide-Book.pdf
Planting, Harvesting and Surgical Operations, etc., According to the Signs of the Zodiac - A F Seward (1920).pdf
Practical Astrology; a Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes - C de St Germain (1901).pdf
Prognostic Astronomy - Sepharial (1901).pdf
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos; or, Quadripartite, Being Four Books of the Influence of the Stars - J M Ashmand (1900).pdf
Ptolemy, Claudius - 1940 - Tetrabiblos (Robbins Edition).pdf
Ramesey, William - 1653 - Astrology Restored.pdf
Raphael's Ephemeris - 1800 through 1924.pdf
Raphael's Horary Astrology - Raphael (1920).pdf
Riley, Mark - A Survey of Vettius Valens.PDF
Saturn, the Reaper - A Leo (1916).pdf
Saunders, Richard - 1677 - The Astrological Judgment and Practice of Physick.pdf
Saunders, Richard - 1694 - Apollo Anglicanus (The English Apollo).pdf
Saunders, Richard - 1717 - Apollo Anglicanus (The English Apollo).pdf
Saxby - 1862 - Foretelling Weather Being A Description.pdf
Saxby - 1864 - Saxby's Weather System.pdf
Sephariel - 1921 - Directional Astrology.pdf
Sibly, Ebenezer - 1784 - A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology.pdf
Sibly, Ebenezer - 1795 - The Medical Mirror, or Treatise on the Impregnation of the Human Female.pdf
Sibly, Ebenezer - 1822 - A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology, Volume 2 of 2.pdf
Significance of Birthdays - W J Colville (1911).pdf
Simmonite, William Joseph - 1890 - Complete Arcana of Astral Philosophy.pdf
Simmonite, William Joseph - 1896 - Horary Astrology (Sixth Edition).pdf
Simplified Scientific Astrology - M Heindel (1919).pdf
Smith, Robert Cross (Raphael) - 1828 - A Manual of Astrology, Or The Book of the Stars.pdf
Social Science in the Light of the Solar System - M A Myles (1913).pdf
Solar Biology; a Scientific Method of Delineating Character - H Butler (1921).pdf
Stars of Destiny; the Ancient Science of Astrology and How to Make Use of it Today - T Devos (1922).pdf
Stella, Rupertus - 1832 - The Astrologian's Guide in Horary Astrology, Etc.pdf
Stri Jataka or Female Horoscopy - B Suryanarain Row (1931).pdf
Temple Lectures of the Order of the Magi - O H Richmond (1892).pdf
The Art of Synthesis - A Leo (1912).pdf
The Astral Origin of the Emblems, the Zodiacal Signs - J H Broome (1881).pdf
The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century - Raphael (1825).pdf
The Astrologer's Searchlight - L George (1922).pdf
The Beauties of Occult Science Investigated, or, the Celestial Intelligencer - T White (1810).pdf
The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira - N Chidambaram Iyer (1885).pdf
The Cross of the Magi; an Unveiling of the Greatest of all the Ancient Mysteries - F C Higgins (1912).pdf
The Daily Guide; Astrology Lucidly Explained - Sepharial (1898).pdf
The Divine Language of Celestial Correspondence - C Turnbull (1905).pdf
The Elements of Astrology - L D Broughton (1898).pdf
The Familiar Astrologer - Raphael (1841).pdf
The Grammar of Astrology - Zadkiel (1833).pdf
The Guide to Astrology; Containing a Complete System of Genethliacal Astrology - Raphael (1905).pdf
The Handbook of Astrology - Zaqdkiel Tao Sze (1861).pdf
The Hindu Book of Astrology - Bhakti Sheva (1902).pdf
The Influence of the Zodiac upon Human Life - E Kirk (1894).pdf
The Light of Egypt; or, the Science of the Soul and the Stars, Volume 1 - Thomas H. Burgoyne (1889).pdf
The Mediaeval Attitude Toward Astrology, Particularly in England - T O Wedel (1920).pdf
The Message of The Stars; an Esoteric Exposition of Medical and Natal Astrology - M Heindel (1918).pdf
The Mysteries of Astrology and The Wonders of Magic - C W Roback (1854).pdf
The Mystery and Romance of Astrology - C J S Thompson (1929).pdf
The New Thought of the Planets Influence Upon Children at the Hour of their Birth - K M Phillips (1914).pdf
The Pocket Dictionary of Astrological Terms and Interpretations - H C Hodges (1903).pdf
The Science of the Stars - A J Pearce (1881).pdf
The Star; Being a Complete System of Theoretical and Practical Astrology - D Parkes (1839).pdf
The Stars in Song and Legend - J G Porter (1901).pdf
The Tree of Life - G W Carey (1917).pdf
The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - G W Carey and I N Perry (1932).pdf
The Zodiacal Cards and How to Use Them - G Angela (1902).pdf
The Zodiacus Vitae of Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus - F Watson (1908).pdf
Thrasher, William - 1671 - Jubar Astrologicum.pdf
Titi, Placido - 1789 - A Collection of Thirty Remarkable Nativities (edited by M. Sibly).pdf
Under a Lucky Star - C A Walker (1901).pdf
Valens, Vettius - Anthology.pdf
Various - 1880 - Urania - A monthly journal of astrology, meteorology, and physical science.pdf
Various - 1890 - Modern Astrology - The Astrologers Magazine, Volume 1.pdf
Various - 1891 - Modern Astrology - The Astrologers Magazine, Volumes 2-3.pdf
Various - 1894 - Modern Astrology - The Astrologers Magazine, Volumes 4-5.pdf
Various - 1899 - The Sphinx - An Astrological Magazine.pdf
Were You Born Under a Lucky Star; a Complete Exposition of the Science of Astrology - A Alpheus (1901).pdf
When Were You Born - Cheiro (1881).pdf
Wilde, George - 1894 - A Treatise of Natal Astrology.pdf
William Lilly's History of His Life and Times - W Lilly (1812).pdf
Worsdale, John - 1798 - Genethliacal Astrology (Second Edition).pdf
Worsdale, John - Celestial Philosophy.pdf
Your Future; the Zodiac's Guide to Success in Life - L H Lomax (1904).pdf
Download: https://mega.nz/file/amwyTZrZ#1kBcYBtkSe...M2tjLzB-9A
Password starts with a big B every thing else is default! Use last version of Winrar to unpack
A Complete Illustration of the Astrological and Occult Sciences, Volume 1 - E Silby (1795).pdf
A Complete Illustration of the Astrological and Occult Sciences, Volume 2 - E Silby (1795).pdf
A Description of the Faces and Degrees of the Zodiac - Raphael (1879).pdf
A Guide to Hindu Astrology - T S Narayanaswami Iyer (1889).pdf
A Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology - G Dickson (1909).pdf
A Manual of Astrology, or, the Book of the Stars - Raphael (1828).pdf
Adams, Evangeline - 1930 - Astrology Your Place Among the Stars.pdf
An Introduction To Astrology - W Lilly (1835).pdf
An Introduction to the Study of Astrology, in the Light of Physical Science - B Suryanarain Row (1900).pdf
Andrews, William - 1656 - The Astrological Physician.pdf
Anima Astrologi‘; or, a Guide for Astrologers - W Lilly (1886).pdf
Aristotle - Metaphysics.pdf
Aristotle - On Dreams (350 BC).pdf
Astro-Diagnosis a Guide to Healing - M Heindel (1928).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 1 (1890-91).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 2 (1891-92).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 3 (1892-93).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 4 (1893-94).pdf
Astrologers Magazine, Volume 5 (1894-95).pdf
Astrological Investigations - W Frankland (1900).pdf
Astrology and its Connection With Vedanta - C Venkatarava (1899).pdf
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans - F Cumont (1912).pdf
Astrology for All - A Leo (1899).pdf
Astrology in a Nutshell - C H Webber (1902).pdf
Astrology In Medicine C A Mercier (1914).pdf
Astrology Theologized; The Spiritual Hermeneutics of Astrology - V Wegel and A B King (1886).pdf
Astrology, Science of Knowledge and Reason - E H Bennett (1897).pdf
Astrology; Its Tecnics and Ethics - C Libra (1917).pdf
Astrology; Your Place Among the Stars - E Adams (1930).pdf
Astronomicum C‘sareum - P Apian (1540).pdf
Astrosophic Principles - J Hazelrigg (1917).pdf
Blagrave, Joseph - 1682 - Introduction to Astrology.pdf
Bonatus, Guido - 1676 - Anima Astrologiae.pdf
Broughton, Luke Dennis - 1860 - Broughton's Planet Reader and Astrological Journal.pdf
Broughton, Luke Dennis - 1898 - The Elements of Astrology (First Edition).pdf
Broughton, Luke Dennis - 1906 - The Elements of Astrology (Second Edition).pdf
Carnes, Todd - 2006 - Rectifying a Chart with the Prenatal Epoch.pdf
Carnes, Todd - 2009 - How to Use an Ephemeris.pdf
Carnes, Todd - Orbs and Aspects in Traditional Astrology.pdf
Coley, Henry - 1676 - Key to the Whole Art of Astrology.pdf
Concerning the More Certain Fundamentals of Astrology - J Kepler (1601).pdf
Cross, Robert T. (Raphael) - 1877 - The Guide to Astrology, Volume 1.pdf
Culpeper, Nicholas - 1666 - The English Physitian Enlarged.pdf
Culpeper, Nicholas - 1801 - The English Physician Enlarged.pdf
Dariot, Claude - 1558 - A Briefe and Most Easie Introduction to the Stars.pdf
Dariot, Claude - 1589 - A Briefe and Most Easie Introduction to the Stars.pdf
Directional Astrology - Sepharial (1921).pdf
Earthology Humanity Characterized by the Earth, Sun and Zodiac, with Prognostications From the Moon - A Raphael (1901).pdf
Eland, William - 1694 - A Tutor to Astrology, or Astrology made easie.pdf
Esoteric Astrology - A Leo (1913).pdf
Everybody's Astrology - M Jensen (1922).pdf
Gadbury, John - 1657 - Nauticum Astrologicum (The Astrological Seaman).pdf
Gadbury, John - 1658 - Doctrine of Nativities and Horary Questions.pdf
Gadbury, John - 1662 - A Collection of Nativities.pdf
Gadbury, John - 1680 - The Nativity of Lewis the Fourteenth, King of France.pdf
Gadbury, John - The Doctrine of Horary Questions.pdf
Gospel of the Stars - J Hingston (1899).pdf
Griffin, Anthony - 1665 - On Theft.pdf
Heavenly Planets and the Future Revealed - G S Wolf (1892).pdf
Heindel, Max - 1919 - Simplified Scientific Astrology.pdf
Heindel, Max - 1919 - Simplified Scientific Tables of Houses.pdf
Heliocentric Astrology - H W Merton (1899).pdf
Hermes Trismegistus - Centiloquium.pdf
Ibn Ezra, Abraham - 120 Aphorisms for Astrologers.pdf
Jupiter the Preserver - A Leo (1917).pdf
Kepler, Johannes - 1602 - Concerning ... Astrology.pdf
Kirby, Richard - 1687 - The Marrow of Astrology.pdf
Leo, Alan - 1899 - Astrology For All.pdf
Leo, Alan - 1906 - The Horoscope in Detail.pdf
Leo, Alan - 1906 - The Progressed Horoscope.pdf
Lessons in Astrology - J Erickson (1898).pdf
Lilly, William - 1644 - Supernaturall Sights and Apparitions.pdf
Lilly, William - 1647 - Christian Astrology.pdf
Lilly, William - 1651 - Monarchy or no monarchy in England (2nd Copy).pdf
Lilly, William - 1651 - Monarchy or no monarchy in England.pdf
Lilly, William - 1651 - Several Observations Upon the Life and Death of Charles I, Late King of England.pdf
Lilly, William - 1659 - Christian Astrology (Vol 1 - 3).pdf
Lilly, William - 1668 - Autobiography.pdf
Lilly, William - 1675 - Choice Aphorisms.pdf
Lilly, William - 1681 - The Will of William Lilly.pdf
Lilly, William -1822 - William Lilly's History of His Life and Times.pdf
Lucretius - De Rerum Natura (Of the Nature of Things).pdf
Man and the Zodiac - D Anria (1938).pdf
McCormack, George J. - 1917 - Some Weather Fundamentals.pdf
Medical Astrology - H D„ath (1907).pdf
Mensforth, George - 1785 - The Young Student's Guide in Astrology.pdf
Middleton, John - 1679 - Practical Astrology.pdf
Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel) - 1835 - An Introduction to Astrology.pdf
Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel) - 1861 - The Handbook of Astrology, Volume 1.pdf
Morrison, Richard James (Zadkiel) - 1863 - The Handbook of Astrology, Volume 2.pdf
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy - R A Proctor (1889).pdf
Ogilvie's Astrological Birthday Book - L Bernart (1915).pdf
On a German Astronomico-Astrological Manuscript - R Brown (1892).pdf
Our Fate and the Zodiac; an Astrological Autograph Book - M Mayo (1901).pdf
Partridge, John - 1662 - Mikropanastron (Vade Mecum).pdf
Partridge, John - 1693 - Opus Reformatum.pdf
Partridge, John - 1697 - Defectio Geniturarum.pdf
Pearce, Alfred J. - 1864 - The Weather Guide-Book.pdf
Planting, Harvesting and Surgical Operations, etc., According to the Signs of the Zodiac - A F Seward (1920).pdf
Practical Astrology; a Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes - C de St Germain (1901).pdf
Prognostic Astronomy - Sepharial (1901).pdf
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos; or, Quadripartite, Being Four Books of the Influence of the Stars - J M Ashmand (1900).pdf
Ptolemy, Claudius - 1940 - Tetrabiblos (Robbins Edition).pdf
Ramesey, William - 1653 - Astrology Restored.pdf
Raphael's Ephemeris - 1800 through 1924.pdf
Raphael's Horary Astrology - Raphael (1920).pdf
Riley, Mark - A Survey of Vettius Valens.PDF
Saturn, the Reaper - A Leo (1916).pdf
Saunders, Richard - 1677 - The Astrological Judgment and Practice of Physick.pdf
Saunders, Richard - 1694 - Apollo Anglicanus (The English Apollo).pdf
Saunders, Richard - 1717 - Apollo Anglicanus (The English Apollo).pdf
Saxby - 1862 - Foretelling Weather Being A Description.pdf
Saxby - 1864 - Saxby's Weather System.pdf
Sephariel - 1921 - Directional Astrology.pdf
Sibly, Ebenezer - 1784 - A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology.pdf
Sibly, Ebenezer - 1795 - The Medical Mirror, or Treatise on the Impregnation of the Human Female.pdf
Sibly, Ebenezer - 1822 - A New and Complete Illustration of the Celestial Science of Astrology, Volume 2 of 2.pdf
Significance of Birthdays - W J Colville (1911).pdf
Simmonite, William Joseph - 1890 - Complete Arcana of Astral Philosophy.pdf
Simmonite, William Joseph - 1896 - Horary Astrology (Sixth Edition).pdf
Simplified Scientific Astrology - M Heindel (1919).pdf
Smith, Robert Cross (Raphael) - 1828 - A Manual of Astrology, Or The Book of the Stars.pdf
Social Science in the Light of the Solar System - M A Myles (1913).pdf
Solar Biology; a Scientific Method of Delineating Character - H Butler (1921).pdf
Stars of Destiny; the Ancient Science of Astrology and How to Make Use of it Today - T Devos (1922).pdf
Stella, Rupertus - 1832 - The Astrologian's Guide in Horary Astrology, Etc.pdf
Stri Jataka or Female Horoscopy - B Suryanarain Row (1931).pdf
Temple Lectures of the Order of the Magi - O H Richmond (1892).pdf
The Art of Synthesis - A Leo (1912).pdf
The Astral Origin of the Emblems, the Zodiacal Signs - J H Broome (1881).pdf
The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century - Raphael (1825).pdf
The Astrologer's Searchlight - L George (1922).pdf
The Beauties of Occult Science Investigated, or, the Celestial Intelligencer - T White (1810).pdf
The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira - N Chidambaram Iyer (1885).pdf
The Cross of the Magi; an Unveiling of the Greatest of all the Ancient Mysteries - F C Higgins (1912).pdf
The Daily Guide; Astrology Lucidly Explained - Sepharial (1898).pdf
The Divine Language of Celestial Correspondence - C Turnbull (1905).pdf
The Elements of Astrology - L D Broughton (1898).pdf
The Familiar Astrologer - Raphael (1841).pdf
The Grammar of Astrology - Zadkiel (1833).pdf
The Guide to Astrology; Containing a Complete System of Genethliacal Astrology - Raphael (1905).pdf
The Handbook of Astrology - Zaqdkiel Tao Sze (1861).pdf
The Hindu Book of Astrology - Bhakti Sheva (1902).pdf
The Influence of the Zodiac upon Human Life - E Kirk (1894).pdf
The Light of Egypt; or, the Science of the Soul and the Stars, Volume 1 - Thomas H. Burgoyne (1889).pdf
The Mediaeval Attitude Toward Astrology, Particularly in England - T O Wedel (1920).pdf
The Message of The Stars; an Esoteric Exposition of Medical and Natal Astrology - M Heindel (1918).pdf
The Mysteries of Astrology and The Wonders of Magic - C W Roback (1854).pdf
The Mystery and Romance of Astrology - C J S Thompson (1929).pdf
The New Thought of the Planets Influence Upon Children at the Hour of their Birth - K M Phillips (1914).pdf
The Pocket Dictionary of Astrological Terms and Interpretations - H C Hodges (1903).pdf
The Science of the Stars - A J Pearce (1881).pdf
The Star; Being a Complete System of Theoretical and Practical Astrology - D Parkes (1839).pdf
The Stars in Song and Legend - J G Porter (1901).pdf
The Tree of Life - G W Carey (1917).pdf
The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - G W Carey and I N Perry (1932).pdf
The Zodiacal Cards and How to Use Them - G Angela (1902).pdf
The Zodiacus Vitae of Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus - F Watson (1908).pdf
Thrasher, William - 1671 - Jubar Astrologicum.pdf
Titi, Placido - 1789 - A Collection of Thirty Remarkable Nativities (edited by M. Sibly).pdf
Under a Lucky Star - C A Walker (1901).pdf
Valens, Vettius - Anthology.pdf
Various - 1880 - Urania - A monthly journal of astrology, meteorology, and physical science.pdf
Various - 1890 - Modern Astrology - The Astrologers Magazine, Volume 1.pdf
Various - 1891 - Modern Astrology - The Astrologers Magazine, Volumes 2-3.pdf
Various - 1894 - Modern Astrology - The Astrologers Magazine, Volumes 4-5.pdf
Various - 1899 - The Sphinx - An Astrological Magazine.pdf
Were You Born Under a Lucky Star; a Complete Exposition of the Science of Astrology - A Alpheus (1901).pdf
When Were You Born - Cheiro (1881).pdf
Wilde, George - 1894 - A Treatise of Natal Astrology.pdf
William Lilly's History of His Life and Times - W Lilly (1812).pdf
Worsdale, John - 1798 - Genethliacal Astrology (Second Edition).pdf
Worsdale, John - Celestial Philosophy.pdf
Your Future; the Zodiac's Guide to Success in Life - L H Lomax (1904).pdf
Download: https://mega.nz/file/amwyTZrZ#1kBcYBtkSe...M2tjLzB-9A
Password starts with a big B every thing else is default! Use last version of Winrar to unpack