I'm looking for the Category Pirates' books.
Their stuff is all here: categorypiratesDOTsubstack.com but I have ZERO ideas for how to get it. I like the look of this, especially "Become Known For A Niche You Own", so if anyone has any ideas, please help out.

Cheers, NoJob
I do already subscribe to their free newsletter. The Kindle books are the paid newsletters.
(11-17-2021 09:09 AM)NoJob Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Their stuff is all here: categorypiratesDOTsubstack.com but I have ZERO ideas for how to get it. I like the look of this, especially "Become Known For A Niche You Own", so if anyone has any ideas, please help out. 
Cheers, NoJob
I have the ebook 22 laws of category design. Here it is
Still looking for the rest of the books