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Full Version: Finally ditched DDG...mostly.
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Should have done it sooner too !!
(What I'm using instead now is also in this thread - but facts 1st.)

Seen writeups aplenty disclosing DDG's various lies, spying, etc. over time - but for me, it was just that their search results got way too sucky for any usefulness there to remain in recent days.

On top of that - they host on M$ Azure and also scrape Bing for your search results - so they are either covertly owned now by M$ or may as well be and any/all of their data is now right at hand for M$ to do whatever they want with it all.

All the above could only be worse if DDG had been sucked into the big G, but M$ is also super bad IMO.

So - I used this:
And 82 alternatives was too many to go all the way through, so I filtered it by likes, skipped metasearchers, the obvious offenders (G and such) and came to...

Qwant, Mojeek, and Qwant Lite - then came loads of things not worthy of bothering with at all IMO.

I chose Mojeek for its really good search results and added it super quick and easy to my browsers.

I may try some others later, but for now - this works for me !!
"Seen writeups aplenty disclosing DDG's various lies, spying, etc. "

Can you share some good articles about this?

Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info smithnowt. Reps given for your sharing. I gave mojeek a quick spin and it's very fast. I'll put it to use for sure. Sorry Google I ain't gonna miss ya!
Thank you for your search engine list. Quite a lot of alternatives there. Just like SS said, the search speed for mojeek quite fast and the browser layout is very simple and clean. Not bad to utilize it in near future. Thanks and reputation given too.

Thanks Nice Thread Happydance
Interesting. I'd never heard anything negative about ddg. It's my default search engine. I like that it shows results that G hides. But if there are better SE's out there I'll give 'em a whirl.
Howdy Folks - Sincere Thanks for the replies here !!

As to my sources - this was not a matter I've made notes for, just a peripheral attention sort of thing - but I can say that my most recent stimulus about DDG was at , and they are very much against DDG uses, as shown here:

Here is another place to look:

I've run across other stuff over time - and=>
I don't worry about pretending to have privacy or security when using the internet, really, 'cuz it is always an illusion - BUT:
My preference as stated earlier is to avoid feeding the overly huge and powerful data collectors as much as I can.

Lastly for now - I never bought into the idea that the big G ever actually followed their original slogan of 'don't be evil' - and my POV was made real when they dropped that slogan and changed their code of conduct accordingly.
Why expect other such businesses to really, truly be any better than that since they all MUST compete with the biggest ?!?

I am a living man - not a data source or a data point - and prefer to avoid those who view living beings as products or property to be used as they see fit.
Thank you Smithnowt. I was never impressed by DDG's search results. Always have to revert to G to find relevancy. Will try mojeek for a while.
We are in concurrence.
This may be only my own POV, but...
Worst of all in the search realm nowadays is how the engines pretty much ignore boolean searches completely.

Before the big G pretty much gobbled up the internet - the biggies were Altavista and Lycos, and=>
Back then you could search on "Rashid Buttar" or "Kalanchoe Houghtonii" and by golly you'd ACTUALLY get pertinent results containing those EXACT terms.

If curious - go ahead and try searching on "Rashid Buttar" via DDG - and the twisted results are most visible if you switch to the video tab - where you'll see that 99% of the results are now either 'dr. rashid' or outright about Rashid Aman - a total, diametric opposite of what was queried !!
(Meaning the 'Buttar' part is ignored and the results are ALL about this other guy who promotes the whole MSM pandemic narrative - political much DDG !?!)

And as for the promotions in the SERPs at DDG and others - right now that is the ONLY thing I'll use DDG for - if I want some amazon link for a product, it'll absolutely be right at the top, no worries.

Mojeek has shown me zero promotional krap thus far - and it IS quite fast while also not being the greatest about handling boolean searches.

Before the entire internet became one big walmart courtesy of amazon and others it WAS a much better way to find the exact desired info (IMO).

Now we get what others want us to see according to their agendas and I've yet to find any truly useful and reliable method to get past that, sadly.
Thank you for the share smithnowt. Mojeek is very simple and easy to use with a whole lot more privacy! Thanks again.
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