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Full Version: Houses are better WITH windows...
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Cars, trucks and buses definitely are better when they have windows to see surroundings;

Office buildings are friendlier for anyone inside them when they have windows;

Schools DEFINITELY need windows for their bored students to stare out of;

Even garages are a bit nicer when they have some windows...BUT:

Phones, tablets and PCs simply do not need any windows to work very well.

[Image: dontneedwindows_large.gif]

[Image: 1626165644_246_Alternatives-to-Windows-1...ort-it.jpg]

[Image: 2021-06-07_13-56.png]


Happydance - Biggrin 61heart - 10rofl - 28inlove - Love - Lol - 66sun - 57yes - Happydance

OK, I'm putting on my flameproof suit and undies now !!!
Still have the same feeling but using win11 haha
So very glad to have given up windoze for myself and also got my remaining clients using Linux as well.

Just recently I had to make dozens of used HDDs ready to pass along, and tried to find a way to just replace their MBRs under windoze using a tiny netbook I have (for the convenience of its tiny size) - no dice.

Ended up using my main PC with Gparted which got them all cleaned up very quickly.

Now I've got to either find them a new home of just dispose of them...
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