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Full Version: [GET] Free Expired Domain Finder V0.1b
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Pages: 1 2
can crawl, websites and/or google looking for expired domains. If a link is not live it does a whois check and finds when the expiry date of the domain, it subsequently checks tha pagerank of the domain and if you have your free SEOmoz api account linked with this application you can get other statistics as well.



Virustotal (1/43 behaves like a fake by McCaffee ) :

invalid or deleted file...please reupload Mayne! Please...
It seems to be a nice tool :) But link is not worked, reup plz, Thanks
sounds like a decent tool
can someone please post a mirror of this? It was purposely taken down by the guy who originally posted it in BHW, and he unintentionally made it very obvious that this tool was earning him a lot of money.

I have been scouring the net for trying to find this tool (so i could create some mirrors and re-post it here), if anyone happens to have it, please post a link, it would be much appreciated
This software no more support from owner. This is confirmed by their official site.
but its still working ;)
Free SEOmoz api account? I didn't know they gave API access for free. Anyway where is this program, any mirrors, can anything else do the same thing?
need new link please
reupload please ..
Pages: 1 2
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