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Enjoy going thru the motions. it's another reason why I thought the OTO's would be a waste of hard-earned money.

Thanks for this, didn't expect main document to be 160 pages thought it would be 10-20p :(
What was in bump offer for FE ?

If you happen to find ;)
access to OTOs share them as well.
My opinion on the OTO''s stands. I wouldn't recommend them. The FE should be more than enough.
A $17 life changing miracle from LL ??

Pardon me for doubting his credibility...completely.
This, from the REQ thread says it well IMO:

(10-03-2021 03:29 AM)Patrick_Bateman Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-03-2021 03:12 AM)ilikeseggs Wrote: [ -> ]The sales page for EVERY ONE of his products are "INSERT HERE" identical. If people haven't had enough of the "hey let me show you my screenshots of me banking on my secret methods that I am out of the kindness of heart going to sell to YOU for next to nothing", then...

And it's not like Luther is new to the scene. He was scamming people 10 years ago on the Warrior Forum with the exact same formula and been doing it ever since, and people STILL buy his shit thinking "this is the one''.

For anyone who doesn't get it, answer these 2 questions.

1. If you had a method, making you $50K+ PER MONTH, would you make a product
to inform thousands if not millions of other people on how to do it? NO YOU WOULDNT!

2. If you had a method, making you $50k+ PER MONTH, wouldn't you spend ALL your time scaling to the moon? YES YOU WOULD!

Good to grab for some reason ??
I think not - but=>
Definitely good for a giggle !!

Thanks Rebellious !!
smithnowt very well said Sir.,

I've always been thinking of "1. If you had a method, making you $50K+ PER MONTH, would you make a product to inform thousands if not millions of other people on how to do it?

and still people maks "products" that promise richness and success...and people still fall for this again and again and again...

That reminds me of an old saying "There's a sucker born every minute"

Cheers smithnowt
Greetings and Thanks Casa16.

Generally speaking - even folks who knowingly do bad things prefer to think of themselves as being good people, and...

Plain, normal folks who are mostly well intentioned want to hold solidly to their beliefs that others are also good and well intentioned.

So - when the guru types make up their fantastic offers, regular folks want very much to have the false claims of the gurus actually be helpful - as they would be from truly good (rather than greed driven) folks.

This is what lights and paves the road leading through the land of Shiny Object Syndrome.

Unfortunately there are loads of gurus who have no attachments to being truthful and are totally fine with gaining their wealth by misleading those who are gullible enough to fall for their sales pitches filled with fakeries.

The good news for members of BBHF is that we can get easy access to the heaps of trash peddled by the gurus without getting ripped off and enriching them further.

The key is to be attentive and learn what is BS - then to hit the delete button rather than piling up loads of useless krap which then just leads to the confusion of overloading.

Only useful info here is outsourcers/whitelabel agencies list he provides.
lol lmao wtf
As usual - Smith is in I am an aggressively positive guy, but when there's a wolf in the henhouse - chickens better learn to listen or they will quickly downgrade themselves to a meal.
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