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Sugar Detox Guide Book for Beginners: The Complete Cookbook to Bust Sugar and Carb Cravings Naturally and Lose Weight Fast: Easy 21-Day Sugar Detox Meal

★Sugar Detox for Beginners – Ready for a sugar detox that will end your sugar addiction for life?★
★★★Beat your sugar addiction once and for all!★★
★★With Sugar Detox Guide Book for Beginners, you’re going to discover the best, most effective way to detox your body from the harmful effects of sugar.★★★

Imagine a sugar-free life—better health, better mood, and more. By kicking your sugar addiction and eliminating it from your diet with The Easy Sugar Detox Cookbook, living as your best, healthy self becomes a reality. Welcome to your new life—it’s going to be sweeter than ever.
The 70 recipes listed for a sugar detox are accompanied by step-by-step instructions, require minimal preparation, and include supermarket-available ingredients. And because none of them contain refined sugars, your energy levels will be steady with no crashing.

Sugar Detox for Beginners teaches you:
★How to choose foods that will effectively detox your body from sugar
★How the sugar detox will help you lose weight
★The benefits of a sugar detox diet
★The effects of bad sugars on the body
★How to sleep better, have clearer skin, better focus, and better teeth
★How to prevent diabetes and other diseases caused by sugar
★How to drastically increase your energy
★How to overcome sugar addiction
★...and much more!

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