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Full Version: [GET] Baccarat Playing the Empire for fun and for Profit: A Gamblers Guide to Baccarat - VOL 2 The Long Game
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Everyday millions of people flock to Casinos many secretly hoping to score a life changing win. Others pour countless amounts of financial resources into the games looking for ways to beat them. And yet others become hopelessly addicted to the stimulation and escapism. This book the second in a series, represents the results of a four-year sociological field study conducted into the general aspects of gambling as well as a deep technical analysis of the game of Baccarat a casino game popularized in the 007 James Bond films.

In playing the Empire for Fun and for Profit, Lee Evans investigates the lure of Casino gambling to understand the game from a player's perspective as well as to provide a detailed technical analysis of many methods of play. The series investigates how the immutable house edge is buried in the structure of the game, shows the outcomes of live game play with real money and presents an analysis of long term outcomes based on computer simulations.

This book covers The Long Game, an analysis of betting progressions with computer simulations. It reviews the technical aspects of optimal strategy, there is a discussion on Money Management and Game Dynamics. And finishes up with some conclusions on Baccarat and casino gambling in general. If you are casually curious about casino gambling and looking for a practical analysis this book is for you. If you are fan of Baccarat -Playing the Empire for Fun and For Profit is a must have.

Nice share Still. thanks and max reps.
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