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Hi Again,

I've been busy finding ways to leech the download URL's from popular file sharing sites.

Anything WordPress, PHP Scripts, Games, Movies, etc.
This website will not be for everyone, but if you know what you need/want, this will be for you.

Oh yeah, and some recipes for those of you that like to cook.

The main goal of this website is to just to index the download links, without any pretty pictures, long descriptions, paywalls, ads, etc.

Check it out at

Also, it's pretty fast loading to Happydance
[Image: gtmetrix-pwned-space-pre.png]

Interesting share...Is this your website?
Thanks for sharing BTW.
Thanks for sharing.
There's a lot of interesting stuff there.
Reps added.
thank for this
Thanks buddy! Max rep given. Have a nice weekend!
Nice job. Repped!
(09-10-2021 11:43 PM)Cronos783 Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting share...Is this your website?
Thanks for sharing BTW.

Yes, it's a shameless plug.
But as you can see, it's for the greater good.
Thanks, nice weekend!
This appears to be a nice share but on first use, I was not able to download from a zippyshare link.

I was trying to download Wondershare PDF Element and the mega link was dead. While using Epic Privacy browser, I tried the zippy link and was pleased to see it live. At first, I kept the browser's protections (ad blocker and built-in VPN) ON and that's when I noticed that the zippyshare link was embedded into another link that looked like click-bait or pay-per-click stuff (not saying that's what it is but it looked that way).

Nonetheless, my IDM did not capture and react to the download.

When I temporarily disabled those browser protections, all hell broke loose in terms of the multiple, distracting ads and flashing icons... to the point where I didn't know what else to do but exit out of the site altogether.

It would have been nice to mention upfront that this is your site, bendutchman (without someone having to ask you), because I think it would need to go in the Self-Promotion section of the forum. It's just a matter of being transparent.

It sounds like most others are not getting the same results I am, so it could be a problem with my browser; if I find out as much, I will be back to update.

Like I said, this looks like a nice share but I'm not one to jump through hoops. That zippyshare link [acted funky (as in suspicious) and I didn't get the file. I'll be running my Malwarebytes when I'm done typing this as a precaution.

With all the dancing, flashing ads, this is simply not as straightforward a download as I need it to be --- but thanks for sharing.

for reading!
You rock man~
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