Sales page
Member Access
Be quick and mirror it!!!
Its gone. Same thing here:
New Registration link here:
Be quick!!! Mirror it!!! :)
Check it what I got from the owner :p :
Welcome to Offline Magic Bullet
Please log any support or help requests
at [color=#1155cc][url=][/url][/color]. We will make
every effort to get back to you asap.
As with many of my previous WSOs it seems that
Offline Magic Bullet made it onto the request list
and someone obliged by providing a link as well
as going to the trouble to create a mirror site.
When I did my first WSOs, it really annoyed me
that someone, who obviously is creative enough to
steal products but not make products, would actually
do this. Now I just smile.
I've learnt over time that if you got access to this
illegally you probably won't do much with it in any
case. It means you are not someone that is serious
about helping offline clients and my WSO will sit
on your hard drive with many other stolen products.
But you seem to forget that I sell through WSO Pro
and I use and a membership script. It means I can
check who is on the on the site and not in WSO Pro.
So I suggest that noeriddin (yes, that's the name of
the person who cared to share it on the black hat
forum) post that "he's on to us"
At least it is a free way to grow a list :-)
Peter and Kirsten