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May I also see the investor password?
(09-12-2021 05:21 PM)versa Wrote: [ -> ]May I also see the investor password?
Please check your inbox Thanks
d***'re taking 40% of the profits from their own investment? that's crazy. i've never seen anyone charge this high to trade someone's account and the lowest you take is 20%?

and you are only posting 1 month profits. what about 12 month profits? people are INSANE to invest with you if you don't have a history to show of at LEAST 12 months.

so let me ask you you also put up money in the shared account to accept risk on your end or are you putting up $0 and accepting absolutely no risk?
(09-15-2021 07:45 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]d***'re taking 40% of the profits from their own investment? that's crazy. i've never seen anyone charge this high to trade someone's account and the lowest you take is 20%?

and you are only posting 1 month profits. what about 12 month profits? people are INSANE to invest with you if you don't have a history to show of at LEAST 12 months.

so let me ask you you also put up money in the shared account to accept risk on your end or are you putting up $0 and accepting absolutely no risk?

Hi, please check this report
Performance Trading January - August 2021
3. EA ATG 5.0 >>

If you want i can give you investor password MT4
Send me investor password
(09-18-2021 07:30 PM)RandyFX Wrote: [ -> ]Send me investor password

Hi, please check your inbox Thanks
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