I have a few things about these halfway "cracked" versions of SENuke running around..
First of all, the reason why the app shuts down randomly, is because of another (probably) a timer that runs possibly about every 15 minutes to check the activation state of the software. If the activation state is not "activated" then the program self closes. It does not CRASH so therefore it is not logged! It is a security check!
The person who has been cracking these versions of senuke only patches it to bypass the login, however he does not set the activation status to "activated". Here is comparing original to cracked:
If (result.Status = ActivationStatus.Activated) Then
If (result.Status <> ActivationStatus.Activated) Then
So it connects to senuke servers using auth.senuke.com, if that fails (using a try catch), it tries auth2.senuke.com
The old bypasses where you remap the host file to a site that shows a "working" login string (A|XXXX|xxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) does not work as of now. SENuke now uses HTTPS and also POSTs the data to the server. Before it used the GET request. When SENuke connects to the old methods, it tries SSL and fails.. even if you setup https (ssl) when it tries to post the data, it fails... So even a working "string" to login doesn't work using the host redirects. Someone would have to make the server use HTTPS and also accept the POST data, and echo out the "string" to login.
Back to this crack.. it just sets "if the activation status is not equal to activated then login" It never does set the activated status flag to activated in the program.. So when the every "15 minute" or however long security check runs, the app detects its running and isnt activated and closes...
Solution... Cracker needs to set the application to "Activated" also.
Blocking "updates.senuke.com" is not needed, all that is used for is the update checking.. So if its not blocked, you will know if there is a new update. Just don't update, its just an alert telling you to search google for the latest crack. IN the setting, tell it not to automatically update it, so that you can control when you update!
The app still connects to
http://www.senuke.com for things such as the spinner, auto download of hotmail account, ect. These should still be blocked in the host file so we aren't filling the logs indicating alot of people are running cracked versions... its a red flag to SENuke's team!
block these:
x.x.x.x senuke.com
x.x.x.x www.senuke.com
x.x.x.x auth.senuke.com
x.x.x.x auth2.senuke.com
As for the original post to this thread,
http://www.site.com in the host file is invalid and should not contain the http://
PS: I personally have cracked senuke myself, at this point 2.5.1. It doesnt shut down on me, because I cracked the d*** thing correctly. it isn't hard, took 15 mins. No I will not release it, it is my security so that I always have it cracked within minutes of an update. I just commented here, because you guys are relying on an amateur cracker to supply you with a half assed crack.