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Python Web Scraping using Bs4, Requests, Multiprocessing
Modern parsing of sites in Python using advanced technologies


We will learn to:
- work with requests
- extract the necessary data from the page
- consider GET, POST requests
- consider headers, data arguments
- learn how to create a session to save cookies
- learn to simulate user actions
- learn how to log in to sites, download and send files
- study the architecture client/server
- we will look at the principle of the http protocol
- we will learn how to parse all the pages of the site
- we will learn how to find the values ​​we need on the website
- we will look at multiprocessor programs, to speed up the work of the software
- we will learn to replace the user-agent and simulate another device and browser
- we will consider all the basics bs4

Will we do it?
- write a program to extract the user's IP
- write a program to download files from the site
- learn to bypass all the pages of the site and replace the user-agent
- write a program using multiprocessing
- write a program using bs4

Why this particular course?
- the material is aimed at any level of knowledge of Python (suitable for a beginner and p professional)|
- the course does not contain water and provides only the necessary information
- after this course you will be able to fully work with the studied libraries
- simple presentation of the material
- contains real examples and tasks
- relevant information
- we consider all the listed libraries in one course at a minimal cost

After completing this course you will be able to develop parsers, creators, various bots to automate actions in the browser and simulate all actions that a person can perform using a browser and certain sites. Services of parsing and automation of web resources are very often found on freelance, so you can recoup this knowledge almost immediately after passing the course.

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