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From pandemics to recessions, bear markets to energy crises, life is full of financial setbacks. The hard truth is that it’s not a matter of if there will be another economic downturn, but when. The important question to ask is this: how do you prevent a crisis from turning into a full-blown catastrophe?

Drawing on years of experience as an award-winning personal finance columnist, Michelle Singletary shares her expert advice for weathering a financial storm. In this book, she answers the most pressing questions that crop up when money suddenly becomes scarce, like:

What bills need to be paid first?
When is it right to dip into savings?
What are the best ways to cut back on spending?
How do you keep from panicking when the stock market is down?
Is this “opportunity” a scam in disguise?

This hands-on guide covers debt concerns, credit card issues, cash-flow problems, and dozens of other common financial matters. Whether you’re in the midst of one crisis or preparing for the next, this book provides the tools to secure your wealth and your future.

reps given for this awesome share, thanks SS
Thank you for this share...reps provided.
I can tell you what to do:

Really have mentally FAITH in LIVE / in God.

That's all - no Book therefore needed!

Thank you for sharing.
(07-18-2021 08:04 AM)berlinerin Wrote: [ -> ]I can tell you what to do:

Really have mentally FAITH in LIVE / in God.

That's all - no Book therefore needed!

Thank you for sharing.

However remember..."God helps those who help themselves"
re-up request

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