Here is the Google translated Email from Younity for Day 3:
I hope you have already implemented some of the techniques of the last few days!
Now is the third day of your self-love journey!
Today we want to develop an awareness of how we talk to ourselves in the first place . The aim is to find a pleasant, loving tone for ourselves, as well as throwing off ballast from the past that negatively influences our self-talk and living - and speaking - in the now and today.
The unit is headed by Mona Lisa Schulz, another employee of Louise Hays with thirty years of experience as an alternative medicine practitioner.
The Mona Lisa finds the greatest fulfillment, according to her own words, when she can help her patients to trust their intuition and to recognize and develop their intuitive powers.
The following video lessons await you today:
Day 3 - Monitoring your self-talk
Day 3 - mirror work - practical exercise
Day 3 - Thought of Heart
Day 3 - Meditation - You deserve love
Check out today's videos and learn to love yourself on all levels!
Remember: Only every 2nd Video is in English language.
More will come tomorrow...
Today Ahlea Khadro will guide you through the program. Ahlea is the founder of the Soulstice wellness center, where she teaches yoga, pilates, meditation and healthy eating.
Like Louise Hay, it is also about deciphering the secrets of the human body in its simplicity and developing practical tips for health and wellbeing from it.
This also includes really letting go of the past, getting rid of feelings of guilt, forgiving yourself and others and looking ahead.
The following video lessons await you today:
Day 4 - Letting go of the past
Day 4 - Mirror work - practical exercise
Day 4 - Thought of Heart
Day 4 - Meditation - You deserve love
Check out today's videos and learn to love yourself on all levels!
Today it continues with day 5 of your self-love journey!
If you haven't already done so, now is the right time ... Stop complaining about yourself, judging yourself or even judging yourself. Instead, take the path of self-acceptance and love.
Robert Holden, already known to you from day 2, explains again how this path can be tread.
Robert describes in haunting words that we should meet the miracle of our body, soul and spirit with respect, love and gratitude.
The following video lessons await you today:
Day 5 - Build Your Self-Esteem
Day 5 - Mirror work - practical exercise
Day 5 - Thought of Heart
Day 5 - Meditation - Self Awareness
Check out today's videos and learn to love yourself on all levels!