Wow. 79 people looked at this and not one fukin reply...
Thanks for the share. Don't know if I'll use it, but thanks for the share and the effort. Reps
Nifty find and share Jorgemv - (+Rep given, of course.)
As with all of the recent rash of SAAS things one must wonder just how long these ~$15 miracles will remain up and working, and, after seeing the names and faces of=> Anirudh Baavra and Amit Gaikwad
In most of this offered stuff there is a visible lack of careful setup, and in the case of the hosting, after sign-up it tells the user:
Quote:Your account information is currently being reviewed for final approval.
You will Receive Account Login credentials .
Please Allow Us 24 hours to get ready your hosting account setup.
Also, the Lifemail thing offers 3 'plans' with only differing names and for 100 years - with 'offline billing'.
So I'll wait to see what may come BEFORE trying any of their other things.
Frankly what shows at their SP screams out (to me...) 'typical IMers'.