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You'll need to use the "Inspect Element" trick to make the signup page visible.

It's about being an affiliate of Getresponse and driving traffic via safelists and traffic exchanges (which, it is claimed with a straight face, really work.. !) Also pdf sharing.
Has anyone ever actually sold anything - anything at all - this way?
I have been affiliate marketing for many years. Way back you might get a few sales with safelists and traffic exchanges, but highly doubt they work today. Even back in the "days", only people that made money were to ones selling you safelists or ones running the traffic exchanges.

Maybe I am out of touch though, in my 70's and only play round these days...

I do however appreciate the share and rep+ to ya.
(06-19-2021 02:43 AM)Bobhenry Wrote: [ -> ]It's about being an affiliate of Getresponse and driving traffic via safelists and traffic exchanges (which, it is claimed with a straight face, really work.. !) Also pdf sharing.
Has anyone ever actually sold anything - anything at all - this way?

Hahaha Safelist's traffic/traffic exchanges, the proverbial bot vacuum. I think I made 1 sale from a safelist eons ago and that was probably because someone was actually reading the ad. Only thing safelists and traffic exchanges are good for is inflating a new site traffic count.

However via PDF sharing, you might fare a little better, make the sales page of the offer into a PDF and link the images in the PDF to your affiliate link and disseminate it to the PDF sharing sites.

Be creative with the PDF name also, [ProductName] PDF, [ProductName] Discount PDF, Review. etc etc.

You put PDF in the title because people are conducting searches for just that, so it's laser targeted. [ShineyObjectName]+ PDF is what their looking for, you give them that and your AFF link.

Profit Bazooka lol Thanks for the share BH!
to tell the truth...deeper insights about out of date stuff... or is it?
(06-20-2021 06:07 AM)shermanbir Wrote: [ -> ]to tell the truth...deeper insights about out of date stuff... or is it?

Some methods are evergreen, meaning that while the main concept may have aged and appear "old", the actual process is still the same but you now have even faster ways to do it. You're not doing something entirely new, it's the same "old" method just with a different spin, as always.

Methods dont have to be time stamped 2021 for it to be effective. You just have to apply it to today's landscape and scale.
Thanks +Reps Added
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