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Full Version: [GET] The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire- Jeff Berwick
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Make no mistake. As goes the USA so goes the world.

Thank you for the share reminding me about the frequency on how history keeps repeating itself.
Fu#(ing Socialists and no good Communists!
Sincere Thanks BlackTopHat !!
I have been wanting to check this book out, but have no desire to pay Jeff and company just to see it.

His videos can be quite enlightening - whilst also containing entirely too much self-promotion (IMO) - so I skip all those parts whenever he posts a new video.

His videos seem to come out here 1st and quite reliably:

Of course he's been censored away from all the MSM channels already.

More of his and other related stuff may be seen here as well:

It is truly unfortunate that so many folks are very distracted by considering the ongoing life and death struggles world-wide as centering upon pole-eee-ticks.

That very narrow focus COULD be a worthy distraction only IF it was purely commercial vs. actually killing so many good people as it has done already.

It is very shameful seeing such sad outcomes from such malicious and wealthy people who are intent upon perpetrating world spanning genocides.

Wishing ALL people Happiness, Prosperity and Perfect Health !!
The link was down but I was able to find it online and reupped it here
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