07-11-2021, 05:12 PM
07-12-2021, 08:42 AM
Would like to try this please
Max reps in advance
Thank you!!
Max reps in advance
Thank you!!
07-12-2021, 08:50 AM
looks great. posting a Thank You in advance. =)
07-12-2021, 09:03 AM
Thanks for sharing. Repped. PM Sent.
07-13-2021, 03:38 AM
Thank you for this share. Sending PM. Max reps added.
07-13-2021, 06:41 AM
Thanks! Got The Link, Downloaded, Extracted, Opened, Played, Complete. +Repped!
07-13-2021, 05:55 PM
I know I am 3 hours late, but may I please still get the link?
max repped

max repped

07-21-2021, 07:25 PM
Thank for the share and reps added.
07-22-2021, 01:24 AM
Thank for the share and reps added pm sent
07-22-2021, 03:09 AM
@EuroTrader: Thank you so much for the kind reference to my thread. Since my limited-time-only (LTO) share expired on July 18th, I asked Lala to take it down, so the link in your 6/20/2021 Update will default to the forum's Board Message: You Do Not Have Access to This Thread. So I'm only posting this to explain why.
I am very happy you mentioned that we're only trying to improve BBHF by doing this because that's exactly why I did it. Besides getting to keep our shares from going to do-nothings who grab everything they come across but give no value of their own, there is no secret thrill I get in doing LTOs. On the contrary, doing it like this feels more like a job. I haven't had one of those in 8 long (and glorious) years.
After my LTO share expires, I find it best to ask Lala to take the entire thread down. That way, I won't be bothered with late arriving PMs asking for the share. There will always be a few requests that come in past the deadline or from people who don't read or follow instructions.
I got 20 or so PMs asking for my Awesome Book Collection share from people I warned NOT to ask for it in my post. These are folks who have been BBHF members for a minimum of several years but had reputation points averaging from a big fat goose egg (zero) to the low thirties.
If people don't bother to read, that's on them. Those who read but ignore instructions might have some feigned sense of privilege and feel that rules don't apply to them. I don't know what they're thinking but this I do know: They won't get the download.
I also know that some here try to deftly circumvent the original sharer by sending a PM to someone they feel has (or can get) the link and ask them for it. So I plan to use Icedrive for any future LTO shares because inside my paid account, I can set an expiration date on the link or simply delete the uploaded file from the server so the link no longer works.
It's a shame to have to work so hard to share but being the BEST takes work. This forum's leadership appears to be turning a blind eye to the hoards of leechers here; they're blocking perfectly good links that could richly benefit the community in favor of real (or imagined) GB sellers; they are not making it a requirement for members to GIVE as much as they GET over time. And there is little in the way of educational materials on how to find and post shares. Several of the tutorials I posted have been removed. If I see my stats show more downloads than I know I've shared, the file can be removed and the share ends then-and-there.
Someone has to help restore this community to balance so that the boasted "BEST" that is part of Best Black Hat Forum's title does not become a laughable misnomer.
To those of us who contribute, I feel that making some of our shares LTO can be a move in the right direction.

I am very happy you mentioned that we're only trying to improve BBHF by doing this because that's exactly why I did it. Besides getting to keep our shares from going to do-nothings who grab everything they come across but give no value of their own, there is no secret thrill I get in doing LTOs. On the contrary, doing it like this feels more like a job. I haven't had one of those in 8 long (and glorious) years.
After my LTO share expires, I find it best to ask Lala to take the entire thread down. That way, I won't be bothered with late arriving PMs asking for the share. There will always be a few requests that come in past the deadline or from people who don't read or follow instructions.
I got 20 or so PMs asking for my Awesome Book Collection share from people I warned NOT to ask for it in my post. These are folks who have been BBHF members for a minimum of several years but had reputation points averaging from a big fat goose egg (zero) to the low thirties.
If people don't bother to read, that's on them. Those who read but ignore instructions might have some feigned sense of privilege and feel that rules don't apply to them. I don't know what they're thinking but this I do know: They won't get the download.
I also know that some here try to deftly circumvent the original sharer by sending a PM to someone they feel has (or can get) the link and ask them for it. So I plan to use Icedrive for any future LTO shares because inside my paid account, I can set an expiration date on the link or simply delete the uploaded file from the server so the link no longer works.
It's a shame to have to work so hard to share but being the BEST takes work. This forum's leadership appears to be turning a blind eye to the hoards of leechers here; they're blocking perfectly good links that could richly benefit the community in favor of real (or imagined) GB sellers; they are not making it a requirement for members to GIVE as much as they GET over time. And there is little in the way of educational materials on how to find and post shares. Several of the tutorials I posted have been removed. If I see my stats show more downloads than I know I've shared, the file can be removed and the share ends then-and-there.
Someone has to help restore this community to balance so that the boasted "BEST" that is part of Best Black Hat Forum's title does not become a laughable misnomer.
To those of us who contribute, I feel that making some of our shares LTO can be a move in the right direction.
