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You are absolutely correct.

This idiot Renouf the Goof has wasted more people's time with his ludicrous nonsense that if he had to serve time for every minute he's wasted he'd be serving a life sentence.

A complete and total jackass.
What a horrible way to start a sales page.
Get free crypto at the push of a button? Within 2 seconds? Man, even if this product was somehow working, it's a sure way of pushing people away. "Push-button riches" claim stinks to high heaven.
California Kid: All good points; especially about Renouf. However, you may be missing one small possibility:

“Fashion is fashion, style is style.”
Style (CSS) separate from content (HTML)
Marketing tactics separate from good products

The #1 Secret that’s made us more money than all the others combined; knowing your market cold from day 1 [including reverse role-models]. - T.J. Rohleder

If an a$$hat like Renouf is able to make so much money with shite products, imagine what the rest of us could do with good products.

PS: This is why I plan to get a 1mo Mega Business account to download several TB of IM courses. Min. is 3 accounts so PM if interested.
(06-07-2021 05:42 AM)GWMO Wrote: [ -> ]California Kid: All good points; especially about Renouf. However, you may be missing one small possibility:

“Fashion is fashion, style is style.”
Style (CSS) separate from content (HTML)
Marketing tactics separate from good products

The #1 Secret that’s made us more money than all the others combined; knowing your market cold from day 1 [including reverse role-models]. - T.J. Rohleder

If an a$$hat like Renouf is able to make so much money with shite products, imagine what the rest of us could do with good products.

PS: This is why I plan to get a 1mo Mega Business account to download several TB of IM courses. Min. is 3 accounts so PM if interested.

Very true points. We often complain about the usual names here churning out junk product after junk product but yet they are making a lot of money in doing so. Imagine the money any of us could make if we created decent products.
Look not at the shit but how it's being shitted. Lot's to investigate from that perspective, he's busy selling shovels to the gold diggers. They happily buy it and then go about their merry way digging.
These Internet Marketing Gurus have a very simple formula :

1. They position themselves up as big money makers (a total and complete fantasy).

2. They tell you their fabulous (and fraudulent) success comes from their "secret" methods.

3. They sell you on the idea that the reason you don't live the fantasy life that they live is that you are a loser and will continue to be a loser until you give them money - big money - for their secrets.

4. Once you bite, they feed you an overly complicated, dysfunctional line of BS that has a few crumbs of reality mixed in for credibility.

5. When you try their absurd methods and they don't work, you're told it's a deficiency in you that coincidentally can be corrected by their new course.

To get the scam going, one bogus "expert" sings the praises of another bogus "expert" who in turn sings the praises of yet another bogus "expert."

And they call this "marketing."

(Based on - The Success Blueprint - Ken McCarthy)
In light of all the 'learned' comments here about Monseir Ren-oaf, you can take this pc of trash and do as others here have suggested. Reverse engineer the whole darn process, and then just inject 'truth' and 'reality'. Of course, if you have any ethics, you're also going to be missing all the 'parrots' that jump at the chance to promote his junk as well!
Max reps to the Op for the offer, and thanks to all for the insightful comments!
Thanks for share. +Reps Added
(06-05-2021 01:33 PM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]how are people still falling for shit like this? one quick look at the sales page screams scam and lies.

anyone who downloads shit like this....and it's everywhere, is just wasting their time in life

and i only say this when looking at the comments and noticing long time members here should know better by now. smarten up people!

In summary like they say "If it's too good to be true, it's because it is"
Very nice share. Thank you. max Reps added.
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