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Full Version: [GET] Medicare Simplified: What Retirees Need to Know About Medicare in 100 Pages or Less - 2020 Edition
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Want to learn 98% of what you need to know about Medicare in under two hours of reading? If so, Medicare Simplified is the book for you!

Here are just a few questions that are addressed in the book:

1. What are all the parts of Medicare and how do they work together?
2. When do you need to enroll to avoid the costly late-enrollment penalties?
3. Should you choose a Medigap Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan?
4. What premiums should you expect to pay?
5. Where can you get assistance when making your personal Medicare choices?

And many more.

With more than 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 each day and Medicare growing more complex each passing year, my goal was to create an easy-to-read guide to help you with your Medicare questions

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