05-12-2021, 03:49 AM
As you set up your own business sometimes it is helpful to see how other people set up their websites, what they are promoting and how they are pricing their services. Here, in no particular order, you will see some of Lou Bortone’s webpages, what he does, some videos and freebies that you may learn something from.
Monthly pricing for video production work
Piecework vide pricing
JV or Affiliate
Become an affiliate or JV for his products. Depending upon what you are offering and your products you can increase you clientele by using affiliates or Joint Venturing with others. Before you implement these types of programs you should make sure that you have good products, have the ability to produce and follow through on the products that you have. There is nothing worse than marketing or promoting a product, getting a huge sale or influx of new people to a program and then have the program fail because your have not tested or tried to product out in full before marketing the products. You see that so often with the new shiny software programs that are launched that are still buggy, or the promised parts are still being developed. I remember seeing one offer where LinkedIn marketing and a lead product was being offered and the offer failed miserably because one of the partners could not get his virtual staff to do what they claimed would be done to bring in the LinkedIn leads. I am still not sure what happened to the affiliates that promoted that products or how much ended up having to be refunded.
JV Criteria that Lou is looking for –
Qualifying Prospects
We are taught to develop a funnel of prospects. A key part of that funnel is the winnowing process to determine and find those that are qualified. I was interested one time in seeing how a group that was promoting to gyms and bootcamps to increase their memberships was doing it. I went through the process of going through their funnel, webpages, getting on the phone call only to be hung up on once they found out that I did not fit their criteria.I have found that using a survey to qualify a prospect works wonderful. If done correctly the prospect does not realize they are being rejected (they are still getting what they wanted in the first place (lead magnet) and I am happy as my appointments fill up with the people that I want to talk with.
So here Lou is explaining what he needs as a part of the qualifying process and helps speed up the information gathering as well
Lead Magnet / Lead Gathering
Providing Valuable Information
In your niche you should provide valuable information. Below is valuable information in the form of a List. I am somewhat surprised that there are no affiliate links.
Other items that perhaps will be of value to you --
Video In A Day
Video Marketing Cheat Sheet
5 Favorite Video Tools
Video Marketing Resources
Video Marketing Tips Videos
10 Minute Video Trainer Course
While not an in depth discussion of how to create videos or to develop clients, hopefully this will give you some ideas of how to improve what you are doing. That is the key. Do something. Evaluate. Improve. Add. Then keep doing.
Monthly pricing for video production work
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Become an affiliate or JV for his products. Depending upon what you are offering and your products you can increase you clientele by using affiliates or Joint Venturing with others. Before you implement these types of programs you should make sure that you have good products, have the ability to produce and follow through on the products that you have. There is nothing worse than marketing or promoting a product, getting a huge sale or influx of new people to a program and then have the program fail because your have not tested or tried to product out in full before marketing the products. You see that so often with the new shiny software programs that are launched that are still buggy, or the promised parts are still being developed. I remember seeing one offer where LinkedIn marketing and a lead product was being offered and the offer failed miserably because one of the partners could not get his virtual staff to do what they claimed would be done to bring in the LinkedIn leads. I am still not sure what happened to the affiliates that promoted that products or how much ended up having to be refunded.
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
We are taught to develop a funnel of prospects. A key part of that funnel is the winnowing process to determine and find those that are qualified. I was interested one time in seeing how a group that was promoting to gyms and bootcamps to increase their memberships was doing it. I went through the process of going through their funnel, webpages, getting on the phone call only to be hung up on once they found out that I did not fit their criteria.I have found that using a survey to qualify a prospect works wonderful. If done correctly the prospect does not realize they are being rejected (they are still getting what they wanted in the first place (lead magnet) and I am happy as my appointments fill up with the people that I want to talk with.
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
In your niche you should provide valuable information. Below is valuable information in the form of a List. I am somewhat surprised that there are no affiliate links.
Magic Button :
Video In A Day
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
While not an in depth discussion of how to create videos or to develop clients, hopefully this will give you some ideas of how to improve what you are doing. That is the key. Do something. Evaluate. Improve. Add. Then keep doing.