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Be the healthiest you’ve ever been, and possess more vitality and energy, with the Whole Health Healing System!

Winner of the 2014 Nautilus Award represents “Better Books for a Better World”—the Gold Award (Best Book of the Year) in the category of Health and Healing/Wellness/Prevention/Vitality.

In Whole Health, Dr. Mark Mincolla outlines the Whole Health Healing System, his unique method based on more than thirty years’ experience as a holistic medical practitioner. This system integrates elements of classical Chinese medicine, personalized nutrition, and extrasensory energy medicine, while inspiring, empowering, and teaching how to attain balance in body, mind, and spirit. This book will:

Assist in making sixth-sensory diagnoses of ailments
Help you achieve better health through specially tailored nutritional recommendations
Balance body, mind, and spirit with time-tested diagnostic tools, techniques, and meditations
And much more

This one-of-a-kind system will lead you down the path to natural healing and help you easily achieve physical health and spiritual oneness as never before.

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