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Pot It, Grow It, Eat It: Home-Grown Produce
Kathryn Hawkins, EPUB, 37MB

Quote:What can be more satisfying than growing your own fruit and veg and then eating it, fresh from the pot?
Growing your own produce needn't be limited to those with large gardens or acres of outdoor space.
It may be surprising to discover that a whole range of vegetables, salads, herbs and fruit can be grown in limited spaces, such as windowsill containers, pots, small front or back gardens and balconies.
Divided into three main chapters, the first section looks at what you can grow, the tools and materials you'll need, choosing the right containers as well as where to site them for optimum results.
Next follows an A-Z vegetable, herb and fruit directory, with each entry listing planting, siting, maintenance and harvesting details, along with storing and freezing instructions.
Explanatory step-by-step photographs and a picture of the plant in situ will also feature for each entry.
Finally, the recipes chapter showcases recipes using the produce you've grown yourself.
Twenty-five fresh, simple recipes for starters, mains and puddings round off this practical but beautiful book.

This is shared via my backup mirror site because multifilemirror is being a stinker again - sorry about that - its annoying, but it works.

Standard PW used per protocol, no VT done as it came up clean here on my own PC and is just an ebook - so if you need a VT, please do it and maybe share it here as well.

Magic Button :
Enjoy and Prosper in Perfect Health !!
Just re-verified the SF link in OP and it is 100% fine.
Mirrorace is a real PITA though=> it is again...

Magic Button :
Awesome share mate@ Thanks
Thanks for the share and reup! +5 Reps
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