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ยป In this second book in the Bodega Vegana series, inspired by the Blog "Bodega Vegana", you will be delighted by THE DIFFERENT DELICIOUS DESSERTS, having as a background and differential in relation to other culinary books the concept that unites consciousness, flavor and health. As the title explains "VEGAN LIFE - DIVINE SWEETNESS" this book will continue the mission of teaching vegan recipes without giving up the practicality and flavor.

Yes, this is possible! In this sequence of the series you will be approached about incredible desserts, where you will have options of the most varied such as cookies, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, cakes, mousses, ice cream, shakes, smoothies, muffins and much more. Come and enjoy and have fun with the tips contained here so that you can later be inspired and venture into the kitchen, making unique moments with your family and friends. To learn more about the project visit and see my work.

Thank you!! Rep added. :)
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