Review: WSO-style bullshit graphics and "millions while you sleep" vibe with a design from 2001.
(05-02-2021 10:55 PM)azure293 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks.
Review: WSO-style bullshit graphics and "millions while you sleep" vibe with a design from 2001.
d*** i was use it and make my first sale today with the New Landing and this Headline (Modified to my Niche).
So i think always , when you give the best Bike to one what cant ride , its unuseful . ;)
My Review: Its works! First Sale already in the Poket on day one !
Like I said, WSO-style bullshit. I do know to "ride a bike", I just chose not to ride this kind of bike. Congrats on sale. Obviously internet is full of newbies that are looking for fast-lane get-rich-quick formula. This specific "style" is intended to trigger those lizard brains.