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All I can say is ... WOW!! This is one of the most valuable shares that I have run across on the forum. Layna, your generosity and efforts never fail to amaze! Perfect 10

And I totally agree with GWMO. It's shocking that this share hasn't lit up like the NYC skyline.

If you don't know who this author/creator is, you should do some research and see how much these books can help you and your business without driving you crazy with complex steps. The simplicity of his methods is the golden key.

Thanks again to you Layna for yet another amazing share. And thanks to GWMO for your share. Reps to you both. Thanks

@GWMO: Thank you for posting. I will grab your download for the Write A Book In Two Hours share. The Serve No Master bucket is full-to-overflowing with value and the only reason I didn't say more about it is that I didn't want a huge number of people rushing over there and signaling an unnatural traffic spike that could get the files removed. I grabbed all that I wanted from there before I shared the bucket just in case that happened.

@provocado: Thank you very much for posting, friend. I appreciate your kind words and am happy you're liking this share. As for the lack of fireworks on this thread, that's usual for BBHF. I highly appreciate the good folks who choose to post but there are far too many here who show up just to get the download but never post their feedback, offer reviews or summaries of the product to help others or even to say thanks. I understand that not everyone who looks at a thread downloads the share but you can best believe that, of the more than 500 people (at the time I am writing this post) who "Viewed" this thread, a good number of them didn't leave empty-handed.

@Anyone needing a PDF of the Jonathan Green title shared above by GWMO...

Magic Button :

VIRUS TOTAL: Please run a local scan on the file.

for liking my shares
Gems from layna stable!!
i became fan of u.your every post very interesting and usefull,thank u.keep it up.
S3 ucket ueks not working.

Nice share!

I must have missed this one when it was fresh, but your links to the books are still active.

I did the S3 Bucket thing and currently there is 14.9 GB available. Downloaded those, but in my download app, it came up with a number of broken links.

That's fine, super happy with what I did get. The files were a bit jumbled, but I reorganised them into a new folder structure, so all good.



@discomix: Thanks for posting, friend. I'm glad you like it. Enjoy!

@kumarandsn: Thank you for posting and for being a fan! As for the S3 bucket links not working, it seems that some of the links are either dead (as in the files were removed or otherwise no available). Please try the site ripper tool again and be sure you are using the bottom half of the tool for Amazon S3 links (not the top section, that is made for WordPress sites).

To demonstrate that most of the files are still available, here is a partial screen-shot of what I got when I put the URL into the Amazon S3 section of the tool just moments ago (as of today, Thursday, November 18, 2021):

[Image: LWR_Recording.png]

As you can see, that site ripper tool returns a couple of ERROR messages for this limited snippet of files I am showing in the image above. For the most part, though, a lot of the files are still available to grab. And there's a lot of goodies to be grabbed.

@GordonShumway: Hey there, friend. Thanks for stopping by and it's good to hear from you. I am happy that you found value in this share. I saw this thread come up recently in quite a few of my rep stats so I came back to see what, if anything, is being posted about it. Thanks also for confirming what I posted to (my good fan) kumarandsn above, that while some of the links are dead, the vast majority of them (many gigabytes, as you noted) are still unprotected and can be downloaded.

for liking my shares!
Sorry --- I mistakenly double-posted. This post has been deleted.
thanks for the share
useful share, thanks
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