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Brethren, I watch 10 minutes of a Dr. Les Carter video every day. The wisdom from this man has transformed my life, I swear to you. He is simply a genius. For anyone here, who may have the misfortune to have a narcissist in their life, this is where you learn how to deal with and defend yourself against the horrors of narcissism. I am truly sorry that I did not share this guy with you sooner. I make no excuses for being a disciple of his wisdom and insight.
Superb topic and share !!

Sadly narcissism is an actual (cultural) epidemic and/or pandemic in recent years - and what is truly horrible about it is that so very few folks even know about NPD or the cousins it usually carries with it which are also cluster B disorders.

A subject worthy of attention to be sure, as so many 'leaders' today are also narcs at the very least (like bosses often are...) and too many have crossed over into being abusive sociopaths, or worse.

Another wonderful presenter on this topic was very active some years back and his stuff is harder to find now.
That was Paul Elam and he also founded 'A Voice for Men':

Not only do women suffer at the hands of narcs...
Many men are actually victims of mates who are narcs and do not even know what is causing them so much difficulty when they work at doing their best - but get knocked down endlessly as their only rewards for their devoted efforts.

I do live with a narc who also suffers several related cluster B disorders to go with - and I am surviving quite well now that I am aware of the source of the problems and how I can easily keep a perspective that those problems are NOT my own.

Hopefully many folks will look into this topic and benefit thereby.

Klubhammer has done us all a wonderful service by sharing this pointer here !!
(+Rep given, of course.)

Perfect 10 Nice Thread Thanks Happydance

These 10 Words From An Empath Will Crush The Narcissist

Here's the list from there:
10 "I'm busy."
09 "I haven't read your text."
08 "You're wrong."
07 "You have to stop."
06 "NO"
05 "You're a loser."
04 "You're lying."
03 "Get lost."
02 "You're a coward."
01 "You're delusional."

Here - from Dr. C.:
But The Narcissist Just Won't Change!

The #1 Word A Narcissist Absolutely Cannot Stand
(It is...Whatever.)
((Hahahahaha !!

How To Survive A Narcissist
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