04-03-2021, 05:14 PM
Yes, the title is 'Medical miracles...' - and I was tempted to add 'maybe', but realized that might attract negative responses as well as scaring off folks whom this may actually help.
Before anything else here is a little info about me which may help what follows here to make a bit more sense:
Over 20 years ago my body got some poisons into it somehow despite the simple facts that I've never been a drinker, a smoker or used any bad drugs.
The poisoning overloaded my liver and shut it down hard - then I literally fell over and was unable to get up again along with some very bad pain.
I was at work and lucky in that the person with me that day sort of half carried me to my car and then drove me a very long way to the healer whom I hoped could help me.
My faith in him was correct - he did some testing, confirmed the liver problem, and also provided very specific directions and non-pharma supplements in the aim of helping the liver to re-start.
2 visits and several weeks later he also confirmed that I was then likely to remain alive - but -ONLY IF- I was careful for the rest of my life about toxicities with especial attention given to absolutely avoiding any sort of liver toxicity.
And...I have been vigilant, ever since.
Importantly, adding to all that:
I come from a family history of illness that attacks organs which most folks refer to with the dreaded 'C word', and=>
It later became obvious that I had not escaped sharing that illness, sadly.
It made growths inside my gut as well as external things that bled endlessly and refused to heal.
So I investigated the nature of this illness, and what the 'treatments' are for it.
What did I find ??
They are ALL - every single one of them - highly toxic with warnings of liver damages.
Oh joy - my choices were to use the official 'treatments' and then die from a permanent liver stoppage in great pain - of find another way through that illness.
Which I have done, and now=>
I'm sharing some of my success 'secrets' here in case they may be helpful for other members of BBHF.
The central theme of everything I've learned and done for myself is that our bodies are pretty much miraculously able to heal themselves, but only -IF and *WHEN* =>
We are giving the body what it needs and when we also make committed efforts to remove the many things which cause damages.
Lots of what I've done and changed for myself relates with food intake and careful supplementation.
That info has been partially shared in other threads here (mine and those of others).
An attempt to list all that info out is beyond the scope of what I can put here for you, but what CAN easily be shared here (that I have learned for myself) is also life saving IMO.
All illness begins in the gut - and illness becomes very hard to reach when it hides in the lower gut.
There is good news here though - it can be dealt with by way of what is called resistant starch which is not digested in the upper gut and gets down there and then nourishes it, which can directly accelerate healings - which is what it has done for me and I only share this with you because I am absolutely 100% sure of how it has helped me - hugely.
It is super easy to make use of, and for anyone who has read this far and is interested, I suggest PMing me for more details so that nobody gets upset thinking that I am making a sales pitch here - 'cuz I ain't gonna do that.
Strong detoxification IS possible and actually rather simple to accomplish.
Disclaimer which I must add before continuing here...
If someone is actively poisoning their own body with such detriments as soda pop, nasty/toxic sweeteners, alcoholic drinks, tobacco, toxic pharma drugs, etc. - then what I'm sharing next here may actually make things worse because those toxic things need to be dealt with FIRST - or much suffering can result.
There are some incredibly powerful and totally natural things which can aid in detoxifying, and the 1st I'll mention here is an herb called chapparal.
More info here, if desired:
Plain and simple - the stuff stinks, it is overly powerful AND has been known to cause liver damage sometimes - so I dare not use it internally, but...
I have tried using tinctures of it externally - and it is even then it is too strong for my body to tolerate - but for someone with a stronger body it may be OK.
To be VERY clear=>
I am not recommending for anyone to use chaparral, just bringing it up here because it is pretty much the strongest tox cleaning herb - and that is the only reason I mention it.
Here is one that I am using=>
Neem leaf.
It is commonly used via making a tea from it - which I've tried, and even in a weak form it is so incredibly bitter that maybe in a year I could get used to it...
Nope not doing that, there is a better way for me, thank goodness !!
My solution is very simple with a cheap little gadget that I have.
It is used to fill capsules 100 at a time, and when used that way - presto:
No overpoweringly bitter taste and best of all I can swallow down 3-4 capsules of it maybe 5 times each day, trouble free.
Immediate results FOR ME have included lowering food cravings, smaller appetite with weight loss resulting, and even more accelerated healings.
For any folks who are unfamiliar with such stuff I'm also providing a share of ebooks about the stuff mentioned here.
I tried to find ebooks specifically about neem alone - but all I found were about the commercial aspects of it, not helpful for healings.
These ebooks have info about neem leaf and a little bit about chaparral as well:
Alchemy of Herbal Medicine: 700 Natural Remedies to Cure Diseases,
Volumes 1 and 2
By Spencer Garret
This ebook may be encouraging for those who doubt the uses of herbal stuff and it is only 37 pages in length:
Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals: The Ultimate Guide to Natural Antibiotics - Homemade Herbal Remedies that Kill Pathogens and Cure Bacterial Infections and Allergies. Prevent Illness, Cold and Flu
By Marta James
This one has info about resistant starch (I use unmodified potato starch powder) :
Bioactive foods in promoting health: probiotics and prebiotics
By Watson, Ronald Ross, Preedy, Victor R
I'm sharing them together in a single RAR file uploaded via the tool I now use for uploading directly, which I've also shared here at BBHF.
There is no VT needed IMO as they are untouched and if you feel a need to have that done, please do it yourself and share any results here.
Standard PW used, of course.
Enjoy in Great Health and Prosper !!
Before anything else here is a little info about me which may help what follows here to make a bit more sense:
Over 20 years ago my body got some poisons into it somehow despite the simple facts that I've never been a drinker, a smoker or used any bad drugs.
The poisoning overloaded my liver and shut it down hard - then I literally fell over and was unable to get up again along with some very bad pain.
I was at work and lucky in that the person with me that day sort of half carried me to my car and then drove me a very long way to the healer whom I hoped could help me.
My faith in him was correct - he did some testing, confirmed the liver problem, and also provided very specific directions and non-pharma supplements in the aim of helping the liver to re-start.
2 visits and several weeks later he also confirmed that I was then likely to remain alive - but -ONLY IF- I was careful for the rest of my life about toxicities with especial attention given to absolutely avoiding any sort of liver toxicity.
And...I have been vigilant, ever since.
Importantly, adding to all that:
I come from a family history of illness that attacks organs which most folks refer to with the dreaded 'C word', and=>
It later became obvious that I had not escaped sharing that illness, sadly.
It made growths inside my gut as well as external things that bled endlessly and refused to heal.
So I investigated the nature of this illness, and what the 'treatments' are for it.
What did I find ??
They are ALL - every single one of them - highly toxic with warnings of liver damages.
Oh joy - my choices were to use the official 'treatments' and then die from a permanent liver stoppage in great pain - of find another way through that illness.
Which I have done, and now=>
I'm sharing some of my success 'secrets' here in case they may be helpful for other members of BBHF.
The central theme of everything I've learned and done for myself is that our bodies are pretty much miraculously able to heal themselves, but only -IF and *WHEN* =>
We are giving the body what it needs and when we also make committed efforts to remove the many things which cause damages.
Lots of what I've done and changed for myself relates with food intake and careful supplementation.
That info has been partially shared in other threads here (mine and those of others).
An attempt to list all that info out is beyond the scope of what I can put here for you, but what CAN easily be shared here (that I have learned for myself) is also life saving IMO.
All illness begins in the gut - and illness becomes very hard to reach when it hides in the lower gut.
There is good news here though - it can be dealt with by way of what is called resistant starch which is not digested in the upper gut and gets down there and then nourishes it, which can directly accelerate healings - which is what it has done for me and I only share this with you because I am absolutely 100% sure of how it has helped me - hugely.
It is super easy to make use of, and for anyone who has read this far and is interested, I suggest PMing me for more details so that nobody gets upset thinking that I am making a sales pitch here - 'cuz I ain't gonna do that.
Strong detoxification IS possible and actually rather simple to accomplish.
Disclaimer which I must add before continuing here...
If someone is actively poisoning their own body with such detriments as soda pop, nasty/toxic sweeteners, alcoholic drinks, tobacco, toxic pharma drugs, etc. - then what I'm sharing next here may actually make things worse because those toxic things need to be dealt with FIRST - or much suffering can result.
There are some incredibly powerful and totally natural things which can aid in detoxifying, and the 1st I'll mention here is an herb called chapparal.
More info here, if desired:
Plain and simple - the stuff stinks, it is overly powerful AND has been known to cause liver damage sometimes - so I dare not use it internally, but...
I have tried using tinctures of it externally - and it is even then it is too strong for my body to tolerate - but for someone with a stronger body it may be OK.
To be VERY clear=>
I am not recommending for anyone to use chaparral, just bringing it up here because it is pretty much the strongest tox cleaning herb - and that is the only reason I mention it.
Here is one that I am using=>
Neem leaf.
It is commonly used via making a tea from it - which I've tried, and even in a weak form it is so incredibly bitter that maybe in a year I could get used to it...
Nope not doing that, there is a better way for me, thank goodness !!
My solution is very simple with a cheap little gadget that I have.
It is used to fill capsules 100 at a time, and when used that way - presto:
No overpoweringly bitter taste and best of all I can swallow down 3-4 capsules of it maybe 5 times each day, trouble free.
Immediate results FOR ME have included lowering food cravings, smaller appetite with weight loss resulting, and even more accelerated healings.
For any folks who are unfamiliar with such stuff I'm also providing a share of ebooks about the stuff mentioned here.
I tried to find ebooks specifically about neem alone - but all I found were about the commercial aspects of it, not helpful for healings.
These ebooks have info about neem leaf and a little bit about chaparral as well:
Alchemy of Herbal Medicine: 700 Natural Remedies to Cure Diseases,
Volumes 1 and 2
By Spencer Garret
This ebook may be encouraging for those who doubt the uses of herbal stuff and it is only 37 pages in length:
Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals: The Ultimate Guide to Natural Antibiotics - Homemade Herbal Remedies that Kill Pathogens and Cure Bacterial Infections and Allergies. Prevent Illness, Cold and Flu
By Marta James
This one has info about resistant starch (I use unmodified potato starch powder) :
Bioactive foods in promoting health: probiotics and prebiotics
By Watson, Ronald Ross, Preedy, Victor R
I'm sharing them together in a single RAR file uploaded via the tool I now use for uploading directly, which I've also shared here at BBHF.
There is no VT needed IMO as they are untouched and if you feel a need to have that done, please do it yourself and share any results here.
Standard PW used, of course.
Magic Button :
Enjoy in Great Health and Prosper !!