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Full Version: [GET] 45-Day Investor: How to buy an investment property with nothing down in 45 days or less
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Build a real estate empire by purchasing cash-flowing rental property with no money down. Get your first property under your belt in 45 days or less! There are plenty of other books offering tips on buying rentals but none go into detail on the specific strategies described in The 45 Day Investor. The techniques have been proven to work in all market conditions. The book is complete with scripts and forms to get you going today!

Written by property acquisition and finance expert Kevin Amolsch, who purchased his first house at twenty-one, this guide is a must-read for anyone looking to buy their first (or next) investment property. In describing his personal path to success, Kevin candidly shares the lessons he’s learned along the way so you can sidestep the mistakes and move on to the profits. By simply following his proven strategies, you, too, can acquire a cash-flowing property in 45 days or less!

Discover how to successfully find, negotiate, and structure your real estate deals all without a need for a down payment!

Just dropping back in to thank you for sharing this ebook. +5 reps added.
Thank you for sharing this SS. Much appreciated. Repped of course.
Hey StillStanding, thank you for sharing the ebook. Max 5+ reps for you.
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