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Full Version: [GET] Get Press Every Month by Brian Dean ($2997)
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(03-29-2021 03:50 AM)CanhCam Guy Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-29-2021 02:27 AM)aopotter Wrote: [ -> ]Can anybody help us to find it?

Wait a few weeks, it will be shared on net!

Subd to watch for that!
These kinds of bulky programs claiming that you can get free publicity and increase your traffic to the next level are usually not suitable for the majority of affiliates and hardly worth the high-price tag. But it may be an excellent cash cow for product creators. I wonder how many of you were able to implement the highly cumbersome techniques he presented in his other courses to boost your traffic.

In reality, the author uses his reputation to leverage his so-called secret techniques to reach the results he attained. But there is really not that much reason for any media to offer free publicity on an ongoing basis to someone with no established website, no reputation and no original product or service (which most online marketers don’t have!).

Thanks for the share in any case.
getting press release traffic has always been hard to do
you have to keep at and target your media repeatly
you need something that is news worthy and you know your stuff
when the media finally call you
Reup this...thanks
Anyone can reupload this?

reupload it please
Watching and hoping lol
Reup of this share please
(05-19-2021 06:58 PM)kalima44 Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror:

This MEGA link is still working but import it into your own mega to keep the link alive for longer or better still place your own mega link for it here.
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