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Cannabis Dessert Cookbook: The Best Quick and Easy Marijuana Medical Recipes to Make your Sweets, Candy, Ice Creams, and Cookies

✓ Have you heard about the health benefits that Cannabis can give, but don't like the idea of smoking it?
✓ Are you looking for a different and legal way to use it?
✓ Do you like cooking tasty Desserts?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Keep Reading because this is the Cookbook you were looking for!

Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, is a plant that has been in use for centuries for its medicinal properties. Initially discovered in India, the cannabis plant is used for its seeds, leaves, and also hemp. Aside from the purpose of using it for recreational use, people are now aware of the excellent health benefits Cannabis has. Many countries and states are now recognizing it as a drug of medicinal value because of these benefits. It can help in numerous ways, which includes but not limited to relieving chronic pain, improving lung capacity, helps in weight management, controlling and preventing diabetes-fighting against cancer, treating mental illnesses, and regulating seizures.

There are different ways in which you can consume Cannabis. Aside from smoking, another popular method is cannabis edibles. Yes, you can cook with Cannabis! It is quite easy to cook with Cannabis, provided you are armed with the appropriate information. If you want to learn how to cook with Cannabis, then this is the right book for you. This is a detailed guide on cooking with one of the most popular ingredients—Cannabis!

This cookbook covers:

Why Cooking Cannabis Is Legal
The most important 8 Benefits Of Using Cannabis-Based Foods
Main Ingredients Used
Where To Buy Cannabis
Quick History Of Cannabis
The best way to find your CBD Proper Intake
Tasty Marijuana Cookies And Bars Recipes
Cannabis Muffin Recipes
Marijuana Cakes Recipes
Easy Cannabis Candies Recipes
Delicious Marijuana Ice Cream Recipes

…And so much more!

Great, thanks. Cannabis has just been legalized here in Thailand so just might come in handy to try rather than taking the CBD oil for acute pain.

Reps added :)
Great Share - Thanks!!
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