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Get Rich in 5 Hours by Joseph Herbert

Quote:Most people don't realize they already possess the Life Assets of the rich. If used correctly, these Life Assets become Superpowers that create massive change in every aspect of your life. This book will teach you how to harness and leverage your Superpowers for constant growth, abundance, opportunity, and financial freedom. If you truly desire lasting financial success, then owning your Life Assets is not an option, it is a necessity.

This is also out of print despite coming out in 2020.
PDF, 250 pages, well reviewed too.


DL - standard PW for access, VT included at sharing site:

Magic Button :

Enjoy and Prosper !!
Thank you and good sharings for the books that outline the inner wealth we already owned. Reputation given too. Thank you again.
Excellent share mate!

We need to sent a copy to Klaus Schwab, who insist that after his "great reset" we will own nothing and we will be happy LOL
smithnowt thank you for sharing this, repped
Thank you for this share. I look forward to reading it.
Thanks! Rep+
smithnowt, my thanks to you for sharing this. Looking forward to learning something new. repped
Thanks for this sharing bro, reps
Reps given to you smithnowt for this, but if it takes me more than 5 hours to get rich, will you give me a refund? [Image: lol.gif]
Thanks, and...:
(03-12-2021 01:39 AM)StillStanding Wrote: [ -> ]Reps given to you smithnowt for this, but if it takes me more than 5 hours to get rich, will you give me a refund? [Image: lol.gif]

Gladly !!
Happydance Happydance

I actually got into this book a little - mostly to make sure I wasn't about to share some sort of LOA junk - here's 2 observations from my efforts:

1 - It starts with ~30 pages of anecdotal stuff;
2 - ~250 pages...that ALONE is at least 5 hours just reading for most folks, so the title is a bit of a swindle IMO !!
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