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Full Version: Niche Finder cracked V1.0 R126 the newest most powerful Niche finding software
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Niche finder is the newest most powerful Niche finding software. use it to quickly and easily discover how competitive any keyword is, plus uncover hidden, Untapped niches in seconds.

official sales page

Domonstration Video:

install instructions:
- Download from official site and install and choose not to run the software when install is finished
- Download Patch:
- copy patch to program's folder in program files
- run patch as administrator
- open notepad as administrator, and open file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
- add this line at the end :
- open software from the desktop shortcut and enter any info
(it will say cannot verify, and some features are disabled, but it will open and work like a charm)
post replays to see you experiance with the software and keep this thread live
Hi, I worked with this soft some months ago and it was OK. I will see if this is newer version or the old one. As you probably know, this tool was replaced by ULTIMATE NICHE FINDER, that is much more sofisticated and gives awsome results. The cracked version here on the forum did not work, so if you had an access to working ULTIMATE NICHE FINDER you would make happy a lot of people here. Anyway thanks for this.
UNF is the next in my "to crack list" and am working on it, i gotta admit its a tough one but worth the effort, right ?
Yes it would defiantly be worth the effort. Thanks!
The patch blocked by kis
Virus Scan of Patcher:

Detection ratio: 19 / 43
This looks pretty sweet, THANK YOU!
I have use this for a year.
real useful
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