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UPDATE --- MARCH 3, 2021

BBHF has decided to block links to the e-book site I list below, so please go to the
site directly instead of writing me to say you can't get the download. I posted the
"hints" on how to reach this massive e-book site in a post dated today (April 3, 2021).
Please scroll to bottom and find the post below. Thanks.



A Step-by-Step Legal Guide
(With Downloadable Forms) 11th Ed.

[Image: LWR_Recording.png]

If you want to start a business and don't know where to begin... here's help!

The Small Business Start-Up Kit shows you how to set up a small business in your state, while clearing state and local bureaucratic hurdles.

It shows you how to:

- Choose between an LLC and other business structures
- Write an effective business plan
- Pick a winning business name and protect it
- Get the proper licenses and permits
- Manage finances and taxes
- Hire and manage staff; and
- Market your business effectively, both online and off

The 11th edition is updated with legal and tax rules affecting small businesses, plus social media and e-commerce trends.

Your Download Includes These Downloadable Forms: Includes access to cash flow projection and profit/loss forecast worksheets, state-specific business resources, and more (details inside).

Copyright 2020, 512 pp., PDF

Magic Button :
My links are all blocked by the forum administrator. To reach the site, you will have to type the information below in the form of a website URL, using the words in (parentheses) to substitute for the actual corresponding symbols to type on your keyboard ... in other words, (dash) means the symbol (-) and (dot) means the symbol for period (.) :
When you reach the website, type the title or author of the book in my share to get the download link. My apologies for this inconvenience.


[Image: LWR_Recording.png]

You also get Legal Forms for Starting and Running a Small Business: 65 Essential Agreements, Contracts, Leases and Letters (10th edition) with downloadable forms.

Copyright 2018, 497 pp., PDF

Magic Button :
Please use the same instructions shown in the MAGIC BUTTON above to get the download for this e-book. And please, BOOKMARK the site since it seems BBHF will be blocking links to this e-book site from now on.

VIRUS TOTAL: Please run a local scan.

If you're seeing this post anywhere other than or
being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who

for reading!
Super thanks, repped
Glad to be of service, Miguelrivas. Enjoy!

TY You Rock!
So glad you're part of this forum!

Thanks for the share!

max reps added
I guess I arrived late to the party! 53party Sad

What's up with these GBs ... I feel they are really pissing all over the forum ... and in a selfish, money-hungry way.

+5 reps added to your stats, layna61524
Thanks so much Layna61524. Although I didn't get the download link but will continue to appreciate you and your shares always. Your love for this community is astronomical and very much appreciated! Rep added!
Cool item Thanks
@fjohnson59, sandybelly and anyone else who did not get the e-books, I tried to explain that the forum has decided to block links to the e-book site in my share. Honestly, I don't see a reason for it. There are no GBs for e-books that I know of, so this is some arbitrary decision that is screwing up a LOT of my shares. This means that people who can get the e-books for free are denied that access on the forum. So you will need to get there on your own.

All I can do is suggest you go to: b(dash)ok(dot)cc and search for the books by title. That is the site I posted and these links were fine up until very recently. And of course, you know that the words in (parentheses) are hints to the symbols you need to type. So, instead of typing b(dash) you would type: b- and then to get to the site.

It's amazing that deadbeat do-nothings and lousy leechers are allowed to infiltrate (and infest) this forum unabated, but those of us who work really hard to keep BBHF relevant get obstacles placed in our way in favor of some GB seller's short-term profit opportunity (if, in fact, that explanation claiming a GB is true). To my knowledge, there is no GB for Nolo's Small Business Start-Up Kit 2020 (an e-book!) and even if there was, why would the direct links to all of my other e-book shares at b(dash)ok(dot)cc be blocked, as well?

I may do an experiment and upload one of these e-books to mediafire and see if the link shows. Then that will prove it wasn't a GB issue but the site is blocked for another reason. It's not cool to put the blame on a sharer when their post did not actually violate a GB.

Now, people are saying they can't get the download links. And, trying to help, I am now telling you how to get them by making suggestions to a blocked site that could get me banned from here.

Something tells me that things around here are changing and not for the better. I don't know about other sharers, but I'm not willing to work any harder than I already do (remember, this isn't a paying gig). BBHF is strongly hinting that it doesn't value sharing anymore as much as they do selling.

At least, that's the message I'm getting.

for reading!
Thanks for the great resource. Just wonderful as always!
Reference URL's