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Full of delicious ways to cook vegetables that you might otherwise have overlooked, The Plant-Based Cookbook is a culinary road map to a healthier you and a healthier planet.

Separated into seasonal recipes, this book gives you all the tools you need to eat healthy all year round.The Plant-Based Cookbook is a guide to delicious recipes for the growing movement of people that are consuming less and less meat in favor of consuming food that comes straight from the earth. Each season has a section of savory recipes and a section of sweet recipes, all explained with easy-to-understand instructions. Food Facts are included throughout to explain all of the wonderful vitamins and nutrients in the fruits, vegetables, and seeds used to make these plant-based recipes. Every recipe is classified with a slew of dietary parameters for those who are looking to be gluten free, raw, sugar free, unprocessed, soy free, or grain free in addition to being vegan.

Some recipes included are:

Italian Stuffed Artichokes
Lemon Poppy Seed Doughnuts
Jackfruit Jerk Carnitas with Pineapple-Mango Salsa
Dark Chocolate Covered Watermelon Bites with Sea Salt
Lentil and Mushroom Loaf with Glaze
Peanut Butter Caramel Apples
Cashew Cheesecake with Date Walnut Crust
Crispy Baked Vegan Mac and Cheese (because even vegans need comfort food)

By removing meat and most processed foods, a plant-based diet focuses on whole foods that are packed with nutrients and low in trans fats. This type of diet is ideal for body-builders or endurance athletes who need the carbohydrates in vegetables for energy more than the protein and trans fat of meat that builds muscle but can also slow them down. Plant based diets treat food like preventative medicine. By eating plant based meals consistently, studies have shown that people employing a plant based diet showed increases in energy, stronger memory as they aged, lower levels of obesity, lower rates of systemic inflammation in healthy participants, and lower rates of type-2 diabetes patients. Additionally, rates of heart disease were 22% lower in vegetarians. When you focus on only putting good food into your body, the clean-food detox is an excellent way to lose weight healthily and keep it off in a sustainable way.

Excellent reviews@Amazon for this one, max reps added!
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