(01-19-2021 01:46 AM)redone111 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for share reps added .
Review :
I watched 2 videos from this course and make me remember older course same .
Edit video file name to keywords
upload video with at least 250 words description and some hashtags
Go to microworkers website and pay people to search for your keyword and find your video and watch it or like and comments Thats all.
I cant believe this selling it for 350$ lol!!!
thank you for not wasting my time
Her videos are not easy to watch. She goes fast and takes a lot for granted. But you usually get a few very valuable tips that make it worth watching in the first place. The video on microworkers was interesting. Especially how she does it and how much she pays for gigs, her results, etc. Again, fascinating? Not in the least. But not a complete waste of time.

for share. +Max Reps Added
ZuperKool Kool share! thanks! max reps added
Thanks @ZuperKool for the share!
This is my review:
There are 3 videos with the longest at 45 minutes being the one that describes every step of how she posts a job on Microworkers. The other 2 videos are about optimizing your video uploads and a short one about myths.
The first myth is about people believing that Google will catch you in the act and ban your account on YouTube (Google owns YouTube for those who didn't know). Or your competitors spot your job post on Microworkers and report you.
She is selling a course and so obviously it has to be a myth.
BUT, in reality it's NOT a myth and the day Google wants to use the hammer it will. Microworkers must be having millions of members and thousands of people browse through their job listings every hour. Your listings will have your video URL in them and you are clearly paying people to watch, like and comment on your videos in order to get them ranked - all in plain sight.
The second myth depends on how competitive your niche is and how savvy your competitors are. You can bet that the CTR Method will be shared across the web in no time, so if you want to report your competitors head over to Microworkers and look for their job listings lol.
Talking about the content itself, the Microworkers video is very detailed and has a few things in it that even the gurus may not have known so it's not the same-old-same-old. Worth watching, if you want to learn something new. Small little tips that can make or break your promotional effort.
But is it worth trying?
Not too sure, because you're pretty much out in the open doing blackhat work. Microworkers is a high traffic site and tens of thousands of people will know your channel(or your client's channel) and also know how you get your videos ranked. You could also lose credibility, besides losing your account.
So by now I guess you also know why she is selling her secrets, never mind the price. 350 dollars because she has a rich and loyal following, and she knows that they will buy it. A no-brainer for them if she also had a lower scarcity price or sent out a discount coupon.
Recommended for watching but not recommended to try if you have a long-term business based on YouTube videos or YouTube marketing.
Try only if you have a throwaway YouTube account and want to have some fun. :-)