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Full Version: [GET] EDIT YOUR LIFE : Design Your Destiny and Say Goodbye to Depression
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Before we can edit or reprogram our life, the first question is ‘Does our body and mind belong to us?’. If it does, ‘Do we know how it works?

Since our body can work on its own regardless of its state, whether we are awake or asleep, conscious or unconscious, our body never stops working. Life goes on non-stop through any condition to the end.

In this case, no one can refute the truth that there are some systems that control its works beside us! And it is this elusive system that let us live well, it also tries to devour our freedom all the time through different unwanted evil emotions that is so tough for us to strike back. These emotions express themselves as sufferings, pain, fear, sadness, grieve, greed, rage depression or even lovesick.

Our most desirable moments are when we manage to release all of these unwanted evil emotions that affect our happy life.
This book is intended to unveil this elusive system with the most profound guide on how to edit it.

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