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Unfetter and unclutter your life by learning how and why to transition to a tiny home

Do you feel as though you're living in an expensive and ill-fitting home filled with too much stuff? Do you have too much space filled with too many things, constantly dealing with house maintenance and financial upkeep? Living in a tiny home could be the solution. But how do you know?

Tiny house guru Pat Foreman examines the hows and whys of tiny-home living, to help you assess whether it's the right solution for you. A Tiny Home to Call Your Own examines:

The many uses of tiny homes for all age groups and different socio-economic levels
How smaller homes can buy you time, financial freedom, and an unfettered lifestyle
Stuff-ology: understanding what things do and do not serve you
Ecology and the Tiny House movement
Pre-existing tiny house communities.

From newlyweds to empty-nesters, downsizers to retirees, and everyone in between, A Tiny Home to Call Your Own will help you to find and create the living space and housing you love and that will serve you and your future.

Been looking into getting a tiny home for myself. thanks!
Thank you. Good book. Reputation given. Thank you again.
Yes thanks - this is Modern now.
But I prefer a BIG House ;) :)
Thanks for sharing.

The more I have... The more I can GIVE!

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