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I'd really appreciate if this is shared here.

Thanks a lot in advance.

this would be shared by a lovely soul here.
Hoping for this to be fixed here.
Interesting SP - no mention of what he charges though ?!?
(Unless it is shown after giving him one's email addy ??)
(01-03-2021 03:46 AM)Johnny1988 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-02-2021 11:00 PM)LeggyAnita Wrote: [ -> ]Your post may be kidding BUT....WHY write the above ?

re: " How to Scam a Newbie ?"

stick to the wso BS section for that ! Lol

have you done any research on Jesse Moskel ???

NO ...cos your post shows your ignorance!

Let me enlighten you and other doubters here about this dude...

yes he is guilty as charged - HOWEVER HE transformed his life.

National Geographic Channel even filmed a documentary about his life in prison.

AND...he even appeared and spoke at a DAN Kennedy event!

Happy New Year ...YA'all :-)

Calm down..... Most of the courses i would SAY around 90% are CRAP.
Either for them it is no longer working, or actually they have NOT even try it out yet ! lol

Simply just rehashed from other seller product and rebrand to his/her own. Mad Slap

No, i am NOT ignorance :-) Well it is sometimes a BLESSING to be ignorance rather falling for another Rubbbbbish product :)

IF really he is inside the Jail still go the Mood to brainstorm money making ideal ? Oh wow !

Maybe stick to WSO BS section and you are probably right about that haha !

Oh AND appearing at ANY GURU event doesn't mean that person is particular good in money making.

Some people are just GULLIBLE.... NotWorking

@^^ LOL Lol

yeah right on....

don't take this the wrong way, but sorry bud if i was you i'd clean up my english and grammer before i'd look into copywriting!

btw, not interested in this course now as i've found a course that i'm sure is FAR SUPERIOR!

Here's a little tease about it... 12tongueout

This guy didn't know jack about copywriting as he stumbled across this biz when he met a girl at a casino NOW he is one of the TOP paid copywriters in the USA!

YEAH he has testimonials from the BIG copywriting BOYS! would come along and say hes a SCAMMER!!! Lol
(02-01-2021 03:17 AM)LeggyAnita Wrote: [ -> ]@^^ LOL Lol

yeah right on....

don't take this the wrong way, but sorry bud if i was you i'd clean up my english and grammer before i'd look into copywriting!

btw, not interested in this course now as i've found a course that i'm sure is FAR SUPERIOR!

Here's a little tease about it... 12tongueout

This guy didn't know jack about copywriting as he stumbled across this biz when he met a girl at a casino NOW he is one of the TOP paid copywriters in the USA!

YEAH he has testimonials from the BIG copywriting BOYS! would come along and say hes a SCAMMER!!! Lol

Only NAIVE AND GREEDY buyers would easily bought this type of maybe OVERHYPE product.

Seriously IF the seller is NOT charging a single cent, i might believe this product is at least DECENT and NOT just rubbish rehashed or crap stuff.

The TESTIMONIAL can be BOUGHT and also can be FAKED Easily. Not necessary financial gain to exchange for a convincing testimonial BUT maybe some other GOODIES ....

At the end of the day , it is better to save your hard earn money AND buy your LEGGINGS Lol

Sorry mate, i don't wish to get scam again by ANY one...

Additional TIP :-)
IF the person English is NOT their main language, then outsource it. (No need to waste more time to upgrade /clean your English/Grammar) Lol
And Finally.....
Need NOT to be strong in whatever they want to do. Now lots of stuff can be outsource.... Happydance

re: "The TESTIMONIAL can be BOUGHT and also can be FAKED Easily. Not necessary financial gain to exchange for a convincing testimonial BUT maybe some other GOODIES ...."

The program i'm studying at the mo has testimonials from people like Brian Kurtz etc...

These guys are RICH and well established - why bother giving a testimonial unless genuine?

you sound very bitter and twisted regarding courses here, sounds like you've NOT made 1 cent!

ANYWAYS...This will be my last response to you!

LISTEN UP blockhead 82headbang ..I studied (YOU would call them SCAMMERs!) Dan kennedy and a few others here - and with that info had a VERY GOOD biz marketing for restaurants, however with world events most restaurants NOW are going BUST sadly.

That's why I decided to get into copywriting for the online marketplace.

interested in this bump!
(02-02-2021 12:54 AM)LeggyAnita Wrote: [ -> ]@^^

re: "The TESTIMONIAL can be BOUGHT and also can be FAKED Easily. Not necessary financial gain to exchange for a convincing testimonial BUT maybe some other GOODIES ...."

The program i'm studying at the mo has testimonials from people like Brian Kurtz etc...

These guys are RICH and well established - why bother giving a testimonial unless genuine?

you sound very bitter and twisted regarding courses here, sounds like you've NOT made 1 cent!

ANYWAYS...This will be my last response to you!

LISTEN UP blockhead 82headbang ..I studied (YOU would call them SCAMMERs!) Dan kennedy and a few others here - and with that info had a VERY GOOD biz marketing for restaurants, however with world events most restaurants NOW are going BUST sadly.

That's why I decided to get into copywriting for the online marketplace.


I guess you NEVER read properly. And btw i never mention the word = SCAMMER. Never.(Nor my intention is seller might be scammer. Nope!) Well that doesn't mean his/hers product is GOOD.

Seriously i rather choose to be a BLOCKHEAD rather a VICTIM losing my hard earn money. Mad Slap

You want to go into copywriting or whatever is your freedom boy. But, what i said here might be true and that is why you seems to be PISSED OFF ...Don't get trigger so easily, control your emotion or your high blood pressure might come... NotWorking

Goodluck Boy ..... :-)
Might still get a hold of this.
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