It's a sad, sad day in techland as you can see this is the last issue for WebUser!
Indeed it is a say day. Reps for sharing the last issue. Tq
Gonna be lost without this.
When its not been "downloadable" I have bought the physical mag.
Lots of great content.
Excellent workshops. Even I can follow them.
Help desk and Readers Tips have solved many an issue for me.
What will I do?
Make a nuisance of myself here. Maybe?
Seems that bloody Coronavirus pandemic had a hand in the demise of Webuser.
Ah well. That's life. The times they a'change.
Time to move on.
Thanks for sharing this special edition with us, StillStanding.
StillStanding thank you, repped

+Max Reps Added
Thanks for sharing... Max reps added
PS: They will return...Lets wait...
Another great magazine bites the dust, what a shame! Thanks for sharing the last issue SS, reps added.
Thank you. Nice but is LAST issue. Fisrt and Last time to get this magazine from this forum. But, still thank to legend, StillStanding and reputation given, of course.