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Learn to Master Astral Travel

Would you like to walk through walls, fly around the world, reconnect with deceased loved ones, and explore time and space?

Have you had a terrifying out of body encounter that left you fearful of ever exploring astral projection? Would you like to know how to travel the astral realms safely and protect yourself from unwanted projections?

Whether you are a novice or an experienced astral traveler, the Astral Projection Guidebook will teach you how to master astral projection safely and effectively.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to:

•Prepare yourself for a positive astral journey
•Achieve separation from your body
•Explore the astral realms – alone or with friends
•Enjoy mind-blowing astral sex
•Protect yourself from dark entities
•Train to become an astral warrior

Get ready to have fun exploring the astral realms!

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