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Thank you so much, and rep given.
I'm really sick of these a-hole marketers who are like, "Look at my 12 year old child making money online!" Or "my girlfriend is making $100k a month with FBA" and now this phuckboy is like, "My wife is a noob and is killing it in MLM"!
First of all, this jack wagon's wife is no noob. I know because in past products of his he would talk about how she is making bank with this and that online venture she's doing.
Secondly if you are sleeping with or are being raised by some guru, of course you're gonna find success doing what they do! Duh!
All this said, thanks for the share.
thank you. I do like this business model because he only provides pdfs
Just read, i think its worth the money! I did sth like this. Though having a group suckZ big time. Send people to any other platform as fast as possible. Get leads on Flakebook and monetize them in whatsapp or email. But dont sell anything on Flakebook it suckZ big time for selling. Just lead getting machine.
Can someone please re-upload? Thanks.