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Full Version: [Free] The Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide to lightspeed Product Creation and Lead Generation...
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What is it: the full Shoestring Viral Promotional Tactics course packaged into a convenient one-shot step-by-step program for accelerated product creatrion and lead generation

What it does: Saves time, cuts out or cuts down expenses (depends on your approach) and also builds your outsourcing network
  • Use a free recording software to massively ramp up your production capabilities and promote your business 10 times faster
  • Have a report, guide or whitepaper professionally prepared for the cost of the average fast-food meal
  • Vastly increase your typing speed (up to 300wpm), even if you have a “hunt-and-peck” typing style
  • Have dozens of sites promote your business and educating your prospects for free while also building your site’s rank in the major search engines
  • Tap into a powerful, but little-used feature found in all major email providers that will see the likes of Hotmail, Yahoo! and AOL promoting your business at no cost… even while you sleep
  • Re-think how you see Amazon books – it’s not just for authors seeking to have their novels discovered…Amazon can vastly enhance your business image
  • Take full advantage of a “prohibitive” clause in Ebay’s Terms of Service and put it to work for you
  • Reverse a clause in the Ebay Classifieds / Kijiji system so that it brings your business hundreds of qualified customers a week on auto-pilot
What it DOES NOT do: make you taller, more appealing to the opposite gender, create overnight wealth, give you ripped abs while you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, guarantee eternal life or clean your house while you sit on the can reading Sports Illustrated.

Where you can get it completely free with NO opt-in required: Prong Media - WF BUSY ENTREPRENEURS GUIDE

To making 2012 the best year...
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