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Full Version: [GET] Huge Bookpumper books collection
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Are these books PLR content?
Thanks for great share!

max reps added

@linuxboyuk: The original share says these are Book Pumper books, so that is where you can look to answer your question.

Book Pumper is a site owner by Paul Coleman and it is designed to give the small, independent publisher a voice. So, no, these books are not private label rights (to my way of understanding it) but, rather, small press books that Book Pumper promotes to help authors to get the word out about their titles.

One way to know if a download is PLR is to look for licensing documents. If a share is not clearly labeled private label, master resell or other rights, then it is not PLR. And inside the download, you will always find license terms in a PDF or in the README.txt file.

You can read a little more about Book Pumper on Paul Coleman's LinkedIn profile here:

for reading!
The book pumper book guides are intended as helpful and informative guides for writers and publishers and are not PLR (as far as I'm aware). Thanks also to Layna61524 for her help in clarifying this.

Also, please note that another forum member has uploaded a new book pumper book we have not included in this collection. For anyone interested, this new book is titled "Cut Outs Craze Profits".

Thanks to all for your interest in this thread and I hope you enjoy the bookpumper books and find them useful :)
Why I am asked a password for extracting files from B00kpumpr.rar archive?
(02-20-2021 11:34 PM)manju2380 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi.
Why I am asked a password for extracting files from B00kpumpr.rar archive?

forum rules mate, read top of page just below the search, you will see when you look at all threads not when you in a thread
if you weren't able to get it yet, you might try the Solidfiles link, it worked for me when the other links, zippyshare etc set off my AV and MBytes
Anyone else think Paul Coleman's full of shit or just me?

I don't believe he uses any of his methods. He finds someone making a lot of money on Amazon and "reverse engineers"- usually missing some key step like it's actually trad published, or they are running thousands in ads, or the "fiction" conspiracy writer is actually a PHD ex-military guy who fully believes his own conspiray- and then sells a system he can't be assed trying himself to his list.
I agree.
Launching an info-product of a certain quality can take more than a month.

These guys who launch a new product every week don't have time for their (supposed) main business.
There is no main business! What they do is sell and develop and sell products, like a pancake factory.

This week, I realized that Ben Adkins, the (supposed) offline marketing expert, does the same.
Perhaps he has never spoken to a real street business owner in his entire life.
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