11-19-2020, 08:36 AM
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11-19-2020, 02:25 PM
Hi Layna.
First off, thanks for the share. You know I always love your stuff and you go way beyond any other poster on this site.
That being said, I thought you should know that this has been shared before, but with a different name. This is really just the Jimmy D Brown "Contentaire" package that is floating around.
A very valuable package for anyone writing copy, but already available on BBHF.
Just thought to give you an update for those people that may not be familiar with his stuff.
Love you Sister.
First off, thanks for the share. You know I always love your stuff and you go way beyond any other poster on this site.
That being said, I thought you should know that this has been shared before, but with a different name. This is really just the Jimmy D Brown "Contentaire" package that is floating around.
A very valuable package for anyone writing copy, but already available on BBHF.
Just thought to give you an update for those people that may not be familiar with his stuff.
Love you Sister.
11-21-2020, 03:11 AM
@GordonShumway: Thank you for the head's up. I did a search for it so I did my due diligence. I actually found this 3-part file in an open bucket at the Gray Hat Warfare site (another resource that has been written about before by both me and at least one other BBHF member). The file was titled The Ultimate Writing System so that is what I named the post. I thought of Jimmy D. Brown instantly as soon as I saw the "look" of the documents, so it makes sense now.
I will try to find the Contentnaire share you referenced just to check if there are any still-working links and then I will ask Lala to remove this one.
Thanks again for the notice. I appreciate it.
Luv you right back!
UPDATE --- NOVEMBER 20, 2020
I just replaced my download link with the forum thread link where you can download Jimmy D. Brown's complete Contentnaire files that includes The Ultimate Writing System (see note in the MAGIC BUTTON AREA).
I figured that would be easier than bothering Lala to remove this thread.
Thanks again, GordonShumway, for letting me know.

I will try to find the Contentnaire share you referenced just to check if there are any still-working links and then I will ask Lala to remove this one.
Thanks again for the notice. I appreciate it.
Luv you right back!

UPDATE --- NOVEMBER 20, 2020
I just replaced my download link with the forum thread link where you can download Jimmy D. Brown's complete Contentnaire files that includes The Ultimate Writing System (see note in the MAGIC BUTTON AREA).
I figured that would be easier than bothering Lala to remove this thread.
Thanks again, GordonShumway, for letting me know.

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