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Angela Scarpa - Exploring Feelings for Young Children With HFA or Asperger's (STAMP).pdf
Ashley Stanford - Asperger Syndrome and Long-Term Relationships.pdf
Ashley Stanford - Business for Aspies.pdf
Barbara Bissonnette - Asperger's Syndrome Workplace Survival Guide.pdf
Barry M. Prizant - Uniquely Human, A Different Way of Seeing Autism.pdf
Barry Wright - How to Live with Autism and Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Blythe Grossberg - Aspergers and Adulthood.pdf
Brenda Boyd - Appreciating Asperger Syndrome - Looking at the Upside, With 300 Positive Points.pdf
Brenda Smith Myles - The Hidden Curriculum.pdf
Brian R. King - Strategies for Building Successful Relationships with People on the Autism Spectrum.pdf
Chris MacLeod - The Social Skills Guidebook.pdf
Cindy Ariel - Loving Someone with Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Cynthia Kim - Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate.pdf
Daniel Wendler - Improve Your Social Skills.pdf
David Finch - The Journal of Best Practices.pdf
Deborah Lipsky - Managing Meltdowns Using the S.C.A.R.E.D. Calming Technique.pdf
Deirdre V. Lovecky - Different Minds - Gifted children with ADHD, Asperger syndrome, and other learning deficits.pdf
Dion E. Betts - Yoga for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
Eileen Arnold - Revealing the Hidden Social Code, Social Stories.pdf
Elizabeth Laugeson - The Science of Making Friends.pdf
Elizabeth Strickland - Eating for Autism.pdf
Ellen Notbohm - Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew.pdf
Eva A. Mendes - Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
#EveryDaySpeech - Videos for Aspies - a must have treasure.url
Genevieve Edmonds - Asperger Syndrome And Social Relationships.pdf
Harold Reitman - Aspertools, The Practical Guide for Understanding and Embracing Asperger's and Neurodiversity.pdf
Holly Bridges - Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism (Polyvagal theory and brain plasticity).pdf
Ian Ford - A Field Guide to Earthlings, An autistic-Asperger view of neurotypical behavior.pdf
Jeanette McAfee - Navigating the Social World with Aspergers (with Tony Attwood).pdf
Jed Baker - The Social Skills Picture Book.pdf
Jennifer Cook O'Toole - The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules.pdf
John Donvan - In a Different Key, The Story of Autism.pdf
John Elder Robison - Be Different.pdf
John Elder Robison - Look Me in the Eye.pdf
John Elder Robison - Raising Cubby, A Father and Son's Adventures with Asperger's.pdf
John Elder Robison - Switched On, My Journey from Asperger's to Emotional Awakening.pdf
John Ling - I Can't Do That - My Social Stories.pdf
Karen E. Rodman - Asperger's Syndrome and Adults. Is Anyone Listening (stories).pdf
Katrin Bentley - Alone Together, Making an Asperger Marriage Work.pdf
Liane Holliday Willey - Asperger Syndrome in Adolescence (multiple authors).pdf
Liane Holliday Willey - Asperger Syndrome in the Family - Redefining Normal.pdf
Luke Beardon - Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Adults.pdf
Matthew McKay - Mind and Emotions, A Universal Treatment for Emotional Disorders.pdf
Maxine Aston - Aspergers in Love.pdf
Maxine Aston - The Asperger Couple's Workbook.pdf
Maxine Aston - The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Maxine Aston - What Men with Aspergers Want to Know about Women.pdf
Norm Ledgin - Asperger's and Self-Esteem (Famous Aspies).pdf
#Note for the books.txt
Olga Bogdashina - Autism and the Edges of the Known World.pdf
Olga Bogdashina - Communication Issues In Autism And Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Olga Bogdashina - Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Olga Bogdashina - Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Paul Stallard - A Clinician's Guide to Think Good-Feel Good, Using CBT with Children.pdf
Philip Wylie - The Nine Degrees of Autism - A Developmental Model.pdf
Philip Wylie - Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Rebecca Landa - Chicken Soup for the Soul - Raising Kids on the Spectrum - 101 Inspirational Stories.pdf
Rudy Simone - 22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Rudy Simone - 22 Things a Woman with Asperger's Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know.pdf
Rudy Simone - Aspergirls.pdf
Rudy Simone - Sex and the Single Aspie (Artemisia).pdf
Ruth MacConville - How to Make Friends - Building Resilience and Supportive Peer Groups.pdf
Sally Ozonoff - A Parent’s Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdf
Sarah Attwood - Making Sense of Sex With Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Sarah Elliott Price - Asperger Syndrome Explained - How to Understand and Communicate.pdf
Sarah Hendrickx - Asperger Syndrome, A Love Story.pdf
Sarah Hendrickx - Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol, Drinking to Cope.pdf
Sarah Hendrickx - Asperger Syndrome and Employment - What People with Asperger's Syndrome Really Really Want.pdf
Sarah Hendrickx - Love, Sex and Long-Term Relationships.pdf
Sarah Hendrickx - Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - Autism and asperger syndrome.pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - Mindblindness, An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind.pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - Prenatal Testosterone in Mind, Amniotic Fluid Studies.pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - The Essential Difference.pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - The Maladapted Mind, Classic Readings in Evolutionary Psychopathology.pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - The Science of Evil (Ch.4. Aspergers is When Zero Degrees of Empathy Is Positive).pdf
Simon Baron-Cohen - Understanding Other Minds, Perspectives from developmental social neuroscience.pdf
Steve Silberman - NeuroTribes.pdf
Susan Senator - Autism Adulthood, Strategies and Insights for a Fulfilling Life.pdf
Tara Delaney - 101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Disorders.pdf
Temple Grandin - Different Not Less - Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment.pdf
Temple Grandin - The Autistic Brain.pdf
Temple Grandin - The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships.pdf
Tony Attwood - An Aspie's Guide to Life on Earth (Been There, Done That, Try This).pdf
Tony Attwood - CBT to Help Young People with Asperger's to Understand and Express Affection.pdf
Tony Attwood - The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Valerie Gaus Ph.D. - CBT for Adult Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Valerie Gaus Ph.D. - Living Well on the Spectrum.pdf
Wendy Lawson - Sex, Sexuality And The Autism Spectrum.pdf


- Asperger Syndrome further books

Asperger's Disorder - Medical Psychiatry Series 40 - Informa Healthcare (2008).pdf
Bliss and Edmonds - A Self-determined Future with Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Carol Hagland - Getting to Grips with Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Carol Hagland - Working With Adults With Asperger Syndrome, A Practical Toolkit.pdf
Christopher Gillberg - A Guide to Asperger Syndrome (2002).pdf
Deborah Lipsky - From Anxiety to Meltdown.pdf
Dinay Murray - Coming Out Asperger (multiple authors).pdf
Donald P. Gallo - Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders, A Lifespan Perspective.pdf
Edmonds and Worton - The Asperger Love Guide.pdf
Edmonds and Worton - The Asperger Personal Guide.pdf
Edward Ritvo - Understanding the Nature of Autism And Asperger’s Disorder (2006).pdf
Fred Frankel - Social Skills Success for Students with Autism and Asperger's.pdf
Fred R. Volkmar - Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.pdf
Fuentes and McNerney - Parenting Kids with Aspergers.pdf
Gisela and Christopher Slater-Walker - An Asperger Marriage (2002).pdf
Graeme Simsion - The Rosie Effect.pdf
Graeme Simsion - The Rosie Project.pdf
Ian Stuart-Hamilton - Asperger Dictionary of Everyday Expressions (2007).pdf
Ioan James - Asperger's Syndrome and High Achievement (Famous Aspies).pdf
Irene McHenry - The Autism Playbook for Teens.pdf
Isabelle Henault - The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law (with Tony Attwood).pdf
Jacqui Jackson - Multicoloured Mayhem (2004).pdf
Jonathan Griffiths - Asperger Meets Girl, Happy Endings for Asperger Boys (2008).pdf
Joshua Muggleton - Raising Martians - from Crash-landing to Leaving Home.pdf
Judith Martinovich - Creative Expressive Activities and Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Justin Leaf - Handbook of Social Skills and Autism Spectrum Disorder.pdf
Karen Rodman - Asperger's Syndrome and Adults (essays).pdf
Kathy Hoopmann - Lisa and the Lacemaker - An Asperger Adventure.pdf
Katrin Bentley - Alone Together - Making an Asperger Marriage Work (2007).pdf
Kenneth Roberson - Adult Asperger's Syndrome, The Essential Guide.pdf
Kim Kiker Painter - Social Skills Groups for Children and Adolescents with Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Klin-Volkmar-Sparrow - Asperger Syndrome (2000).pdf
Lawrence Osborne - American Normal, The Hidden World of Asperger Syndrome (2002).pdf
Liane Holliday Willey - Pretending to Be Normal, Living With Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Linda Andron - Our Journey Through High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome (with Tony Attwood).pdf
Luke Jackson - A User Guide to the GF-CF Diet - For Autism, Asperger Syndrome and ADHD.pdf
Luke Jackson - Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome (2002).pdf
Marc Fleisher - Making Sense of the Unfeasible (2003).pdf
Marc Segar - A Survival Guide for People with Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Marilyn J. Monteiro - Family Therapy and the Autism Spectrum.pdf
Mary Barbera - The Verbal Behavior Approach, How to Teach Children With Autism and Related Disorders.pdf
McCabe - Living and Loving with Asperger Syndrome, Family Viewpoints (2003).pdf
Mental Health Aspects Of Autism and Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Nancy J. Patrick - Social skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Patricia Howlin - Autism and Asperger Syndrome, Preparing for Adulthood (2004).pdf
Peter Myers - The Exact Mind - An Artist With Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Peter Szatmari MD - A Mind Apart, Understanding Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome.pdf
Ron Rubio - Mind-Body Techniques for Aspergers Syndrome (2008).pdf
Shonda and Curt Schilling - The Best Kind of Different.pdf
Sue Hutchings - The Social Skills Handbook (workbook for group work).pdf
Susan Ashley - The Asperger's Answer Book, The Top 275 Questions Parents Ask.pdf
Susan Bull - Pamphlet - Aspergers Answers Revealed.pdf
Suzanne C. Lawton - Asperger Syndrome, Natural Steps Toward a Better Life for You or Your Child.pdf
Uta Frith - Autism and Asperger Syndrome (1991).pdf
Veronica Bliss - A Self-Determined Future with Asperger Syndrome Solution Focused Approaches.pdf
Wendy Lawson - Aspoetry - Illustrated Poems from an Aspie Life.pdf
Wendy Lawson - Build Your Own Life - A Self-Help Guide for Individuals With Asperger's Syndrome.pdf
Wendy Lawson - Concepts of Normality, the Autistic and Typical Spectrum.pdf
Wendy Lawson - Friendships, the Aspie Way.pdf
Wendy Lawson - Understanding and Working With the Spectrum of Autism.pdf
Will Hadcroft - The Feeling's Unmutual - Growing Up with Asperger Syndrome, Undiagnosed (2005).pdf
William Hadcroft - The Feeling's Unmutual, Growing Up With Asperger Syndrome (Undiagnosed).pdf
Yvona Fast - Employment for Individuals With Asperger Syndrome.pdf

- Consciousness and Spirituality add-on

Adyashanti - The End of Your World.pdf
Bert Hellinger - Love's Hidden Symmetry - What Makes Love Work in Relationships.pdf
Bert Hellinger - On Consciences - Family Constellation.pdf
Byron Katie - I Need Your Love - Is That True.pdf
Byron Katie - Who Would You Be Without Your Story.pdf
Eckhart Tolle - Stillness Speaks.pdf
Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.pdf
Edgar Mitchell - Psychic Exploration.pdf
Edgar Mitchell - The Way of the Explorer.pdf
FREE and IANDS - NDEs, OBEs, UFO Contact and Consciousness - They Are One Phenomenon.pdf
Gangaji - The Diamond in Your Pocket.pdf
Gangaji - You Are That.pdf
Kosi - Organic Awakening.pdf
Lisa Cairns - For the Love of Everything.pdf
Mary Rodwell - Indicators of Star Children - questionnaire.pdf
Mary Rodwell - The New Human - Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage.pdf
Mary Rodwell - Transformation lecture slides.pdf
Mary Rodwell - Triggers of Consciousness lecture slides.pdf
Matt Kahn - Whatever Arises, Love That.pdf
Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. - The Children of Now.pdf
Michael Newton - Destiny of Souls.pdf
Michael Newton - Journey of Souls.pdf
Michael Newton - Life Between Lives - Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression.pdf
Michael Teachings - Jose Stevens - The Michael Handbook.pdf
Michael Teachings - Shepherd Hoodwin - Journey of Your Soul.pdf
Mooji - Breath of the Absolute.pdf
Mooji - Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space.pdf
Pamela Kribbe - Dark Night of the Soul.pdf
Pamela Kribbe - Jeshua Channelings.pdf
Papaji - The Truth Is (H.W.L. Poonja).pdf
Papaji - Wake Up and Roar (H.W.L. Poonja).pdf
Paul Dong - China's Super Psychics.pdf
P.M.H. Atwater - Children of the Fifth World.pdf
P.M.H. Atwater - Coming Back to Life - After-effects of NDEs.pdf
P.M.H. Atwater - Near-Death Experiences, The Rest of the Story.pdf
P.M.H. Atwater - The New Children and Near-Death Experiences.pdf
Robert Schwartz - Your Soul's Gift.pdf
Robert Schwartz - Your Soul's Plan.pdf
Rupert Spira - The Art of Peace and Happiness.pdf
Suzanne Hansen - The Dual Soul Connection.pdf
Teal Swan - Shadows Before Dawn.pdf
Teal Swan - The Completion Process.pdf
Thaddeus Golas - The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment.pdf
True Happiness - Ramana Maharsi, foreword by Carl G. Jung.pdf
Universal Truths based on Near-Death Experiences.pdf
Unmani Hayde - Die to Love.pdf
Walter Russell - The Message of the Divine Iliad Part II.pdf
Walter Russell - The Message of the Divine Iliad Part I.pdf
Walter Russell - The Secret of Light.pdf

- Psychology and Personality add-on

Digital Nomads - Andre Gussekloo (distant work).pdf
Epictetus - The Art of Living (stoicism).pdf
Grant Soosalu - Avoiding the Enemies to Happiness (mBIT).pdf
Grant Soosalu - Loving Your Life (mBIT).pdf
Hero's Journey - A Practical Guide to the Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell.pdf
Hero's Journey - Five page university summary.pdf
Hero's Journey - Heroic Archetypes.pdf
Hero's Journey in Your Life - Life Coaches Blog.pdf
Jaroslaw Jankowski - Who Are You - MBTI Personality Tests (not mBIT).pdf
J. D. David - How to Make Friends.pdf
Jean Shinoda Bolen - Goddesses in Everywoman.pdf
Jean Shinoda Bolen - Gods in Everyman.pdf
Joe Navarro - What Every Body is Saying (Reading Body Language).pdf
Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules for Life, An Antidote to Chaos.pdf
Laurence Heller - Healing Developmental Trauma.pdf
Marc Summers - 12 Reasons NOT to Tell Everything About Yourself.pdf
Marc Summers - 7 Reasons She Will Still Date You if You're Ugly.pdf
Natalie Sisson - The Suitcase Entrepreneur (distant work).pdf
Nate Nicholson - The Introvert's Guide to Entrepreneurship.pdf
Nonviolent Communication - Humanizing Health Care.pdf
Nonviolent Communication - Words That Work in Business.pdf

- Science and Saving-the-World add-on

Andrea Cipollina - Seawater Desalination.pdf
Bernard Lietaer - New Money for a New World.pdf
Bernard Lietaer - People Money.pdf
Charles Eisenstein - The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.pdf
Civilization Starter Kit - Open Source Ecology.pdf
David Korten - Change the Story, Change the Future Future, original article.pdf
Eurotopia - Europe's Ecovillages and Alternative Living Communities.pdf
Hacene Mahmoudi - Renewable Energy Technologies for Water Desalination.pdf
John Bedini - Free Energy Generation.pdf
Keshe Foundation - 1 The Universal Order of Creation of Matters.pdf
Keshe Foundation - 2 The Structure of the Light.pdf
Keshe Foundation - 3 The Origin of the Universe.pdf
Kosha Joubert - Ecovillage - 1001 Ways to Heal the Planet, Global Ecovillage Network.pdf
Steven Greer - Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge.pdf
Steven Greer - The CE-5 Big Book (CE5-CSETI).pdf
Thomas Valone - Electrogravitics - Validating Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology.pdf
Thomas Valone - Feasibility Study of Zero-Point Energy Extraction From The Quantum Vacuum.pdf
Tom Bearden - Energy From The Vacuum - Concepts And Principles - FULL BOOK, 894p.pdf
Walter Russell - A New Concept of the Universe.pdf
Walter Russell - The Universal One.pdf

- Tourette Syndrome, Ticks add-on

Amber Carroll - Tourette Syndrome - A Practical Guide for Teachers, Parents and Carers.pdf
Davide Martino - Advances in the Neurochemistry and Neuropharmacology of Tourette Syndrome.pdf
Douglas W. Woods - Managing Tourette Syndrome, A Behaviorial Intervention Adult Workbook.pdf
Douglas W. Woods - Treating Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders, A Guide for Practitioners.pdf
Howard I. Kushner - A Cursing Brain, The Histories of Tourette Syndrome.pdf
Icon Health Publications - The Official Parent's Sourcebook on Tourette Syndrome.pdf
Icon Health Publications - Tourette Syndrome - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References.pdf
James A. Fussell - Ticked - A Medical Miracle, a Friendship, and the Weird World of Tourette Syndrome.pdf
M. Foster Olive - Tourette Syndrome - Psychological Disorders.pdf
Philip M. Parker - Tourette Syndrome, A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers.pdf
Roger Kurlan - Handbook of Tourette's Syndrome and Related Tic and Behavioral Disorders.pdf
Roger Kurlan - Handbook of Tourette’s Syndrome and Related Tic and Behavioral Disorders.pdf
Ruth Bjorklund - Tourette Syndrome (Health Alert) {{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}.orgbook1010599aefd5f.pdf
Uttom Chowdhury - Tics and Tourette Syndrome, A Handbook for Parents and Professionals.pdf

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Thanks so much for sharing these. They'll be really useful.
Thanks for the share, have two autistic kids

"I, like many other parents that have (had) a child with a diagnosis, believe vaccines played at least a part in my son's problems, and I am all about raising awareness on this issue. There definitely needs to be more discussion about this in light of recent events."
what a massive and fantastic share, as a parent with a kid on the spectrum, information is power and this makes a world of difference as often so many doctors don't have a clue how to help these kids, so us parents have to become world class researchers, and implement all these harmless things to help our kids become just a little more comfortable.

so thank you 5 reps for ya
Thank you so much!!!!!!
beautiful share + reps
Very helpful stuff, thanks a ton for the share. Reps

Thank you for sharing this useful information. It is extremely useful in understanding and identifying people with Asperger syndrome and autism. Repped!!
Any chance of this getting another chance. The mega link is empty.
Much appreciated.
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